Archive for Football

Hard Rock Stadium

347 Don Shula Dr.
Miami Gardens, FL 33056

… more pix & videos on Google Maps

For Miami Open/Master

Hard Rock Stadium opened in 1987, is the home to the Miami Dolphins but is being used for a few other events, such as tennis, and college football the Orange Bowl. For tennis, they added huge sections at the stadium court, making it small because American football field is 120 yards by 53.3 yards, while tennis court is 78ft (23.77m) by 27ft (8.23m).

Bathrooms have no ac, if I remembered right. USTA do.

The ground is nicely groomed and laid out. I enjoyed the different seating areas, bars and eateries. Lacking corporate heavy hitters, such as Amex and Chase that are stables at US Open, La Roche-Posay passes out mini size. At Amex corner at the US Open, they gave at least two different full sizes.

Don Shula (1930-2020) was a defensive back for 7 seasons but wa most famous for being the head coach of Miami Dolphins from 1970 to 1995, with the winningest recored: 347 victories and 328 regular season victories. In 1972, Dolphins had a perfect session, 14-0 but failed to win the Super Bowl. The QB I knew was Dan Marino (1961-) who lost to Joe Montana (1956-) and his 49er’s in Super Bowl XIX, in 1985. Marino won no Super Bowl while Joe Cool has 4 rings.


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A Giant Win, 2022

15 years later, Giants’ coach Tom Coughlin (with Grey Hanlon) wrote a book on the win – A Giant Win: Inside the New York Giants’ Historic Upset over the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLII. It was published on December 6, 2022. Eli Manning penned the forward.

Nothing is really new, having watched it on the game night. A Season in the Sun (2021) by Lars Anderson is a better read.

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A Season in the Sun, 2021

📖 A Season in the Sun: The Inside Story of Bruce Arians, Tom Brady, and the Making of a Champion, published on October 19, 2021, written by Lars Anderson

2022 season opener could not have been any better, Brady’s Buccaneers vs Cowboys. My heart was split and shattered. Old Tom (1977-; 4 years older than Serena …) won 19-3, maintaining his winning record against old rival.

Ok, the commentators were self disciplined, restraining themselves from talking about … the elephant in the room: Tom had retired for a few weeks then came back again. His model wife Gisele Bündchen (1980-) is major league pissed. A divorce in the making? Who knows.

Oh, the book … what book? [呲牙]

45岁的小哥退休二天后 又重披马甲上战场 兴高采烈的

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QB Tom Brady, 19:17

Today, it has to be the Tampa Bay day. Rays plays at Yankee, and the most anticipated game is Tom Brady (1977-) goes home, to play his New England Patriots. Holy cow.

After 20 seasons (2000-2019) and won six Super Bowl, NEP kicked him away. However, he didn’t want to retire so moved south to Tampa. Unfortunately for the NEP, he won his seventh on his first season with Buccaneers. Can one imagine that feast? Also at old age of 43!

He would have won more but Eli Manning (1981-) took his only two championship away from him. Brade, 6’4″, was drafted in 2000, round 6 (pick 199) while Manning, 6’5″, in 2004 as the #1, drafted by the San Diego but he want to play for NY Giants. Make the story short, he came to New York (2004-19) and won us two super bowl.

🏈 19:17 👏🏻

昨天最期待的赛事是🏈 QB Tom Brady 1⃣️ 四分卫汤姆 布雷迪 (1977-) 打他的老东家the New England Patriots 新英格兰爱国者队.
话说老布效劳新英格兰爱国者队20季(2000-19) 赢了六个超级碗 (价值最高的牛仔队60多年才赢了五个)后, 人老珠黄被踢出局了.
俺倒是觉得从一而终一个球队 是🐂事.
不过老布另有想法. 不甘寂寞+他巴西模特媳妇2⃣️ 也支持, 结果南下 去了佛州Tampa. 小打小闹立马赢了一个超级碗: 新东家的第二个, 他自己的第七个.
哎 有人欢乐有人悲 😵‍💫

小插曲: 老布虽然所向披靡 但是有一个蛮小子是他的克星

俺纽约巨人队四分卫 Eli Manning 3⃣️ 伊莱 蛮宁 (1981-), 赢了二个超级碗. 嗯 猜对了 是硬生生从老布手里抢走的. 还记得布模特老婆发飙爆粗口 草草草的吗?
小蛮的故事也挺多. 他老爸 大哥(也赢了二个超级碗)都是四分卫. 蛮毕业后可是香饽饽, 享受第一个被签走的荣誉. 可惜愣头青蛮小伙不喜欢签他的圣地亚哥队, 一哭二喊三上吊的要来纽约的巨人队. 也是醉. 从2004-19 给了我们二个冠军 嘻嘻 谢谢.

希望老布继续赢 [强]

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Gears: what to wear?

In sports, gears not only refer to equipments, such as tennis and badminton rackets, baseball bats or, ice skates, bathing suits, tennis …but outfits too, like team jerseys, t-shirts, caps, hats, headbands, etc.

~ Fight strap

What to wear??

… before going to a game can be a torturing decision, especially when you have a ton of that player or team’s gears.

看球赛 🏒️ 穿球衣. 只是件件都不好看. 苦水里泡大的娃和甜水里长大的娃 好像就是不一样 🥲. 胸前那个徽和咱们的补子有的拼: 一品清官? 要不九品芝麻官😉


岛人队的主要股东, Katie Ledecky 🏊‍♂️ 的叔叔Jon 喜欢和粉丝们互动,赛前赛后都会在门口伺候: 合影签名 high five. 俺谢了他说 ‘祝福你和Katie!’ 他好鸡冻喔, 搂着俺 “thank you thank you!” 虽然是她第三个奥运会 觉得她赢🏅️的机会非常大, 问题是几个.

他的卖主 Charles Wang 王嘉廉(1944上海-2018纽约) 刚刚买了岛人队后也被粉丝们媒体追捧,人气旺盛好一阵. 老王也曾经在门口服侍粉丝们:握手. 有时还带着他的小儿子. 只是他可能缺少一点激情还是他木纳的外表吧 有点岔路, 格格不入的感觉.

老王曾经的宏伟蓝图是把岛人球场周围改建 高大上的商业区 酒店, mall, ballpark, etc 成为拿骚县的新中心. 商场和官场不太一样 也可能他的政客体量不够. 长话短说 几经缩水 还是胎死腹中.

岛人球场破破烂烂 需要更新 最后只好搬家. 唉. 在布鲁克林打了几年. 那个球场非常不好 我去了二次就不想再去了. 前天的比赛是在旧址 Nassau Coliseum 会是最后一次了,有些依依不舍. 下一季岛人会返回长岛 但是在另外一个地方新建的球场打. 有些唏嘘 搬来搬去瞎折腾. 老王的蓝图挺好 没有被采用 小原因之一我觉得是种族.

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Football in Wuhan!

My heart goes out to Wuhan, China and the world. Be strong!

From the following report, I just learnt that China has football too. OMG. And on the virus, the few facts are:

  1. … rapidly spreading coronavirus that … put the global community on high alert.
  2. two-week quarantine
  3. Wuhan coronavirus … was first recorded in early December 2019. This Chinese doctor tried to save lives, but was silenced. Now he has coronavirus

CNN For those in quarantine at this air base, it’s Zumba classes, sandwiches and hours of downtime

Updated 2:15 PM EST February 5, 2020

It’s a beautiful morning at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, California. A handful of people are out and about on the grounds, including 27-year-old Jarred Evans. After his morning run, Evans may settle in with his laptop in the hotel where he’s staying on base and do some work for his business. If he were so inclined, he could even go to a Zumba or kickboxing class to pass the time. For the most part, though, he and everyone else at the hotel are keeping to themselves.
They are under quarantine, after all.
Evans and 194 other people were evacuated from Wuhan aboard a chartered flight on January 28th to escape the rapidly spreading coronavirus that has claimed hundreds of lives and put the global community on high alert.
The passengers from Evans’ flight are one of several groups of Americans that have been evacuated from Wuhan. So far, about 500 Americans have been ferried out of the country on chartered flights.
Groups of Americans arriving from China have been taken to military bases, hotels or other sites to wait out a federally-mandated 72-hour waiting period.
From there, it’s a long and sometimes monotonous waiting game. The March Air Base evacuees aren’t beholden to any schedule, except for meal service times, twice-daily medical screenings and morning meetings with the CDC.
Two weeks in limbo
The 195 people on Evans’ flight were ushered to March Air Base for their quarantine, one of the five military bases now being used for such purposes. A few hours after their arrival. a passenger from the flight was caught leaving the base, prompting the CDC to extend their quarantine.
So, Evans and some of his fellow evacuees are whiling away the hours until their two-week period ends.
“Everyone is doing pretty fine. People understand that the quarantine is necessary,” Evans tells CNN. “The CDC is doing a good job keeping us busy and giving us all what we need.” On-site CDC case managers were able to ship Evans’ laptop to him so he could work. Children under quarantine have gotten toys to play with and can participate in organized activities to burn off their nervous energy.
However, the evacuees aren’t able to leave the grounds of the base. No one else is staying in the hotel where they’re being housed. And every day plays out under the watchful eye of CDC staff.
“We get medical checks twice a day — in the morning and at night. In the morning you get your temperature checked,” Evans says. “We have a meeting at 10 am every day. It’s with the CDC, some of the medical officials who here on the base and also with the CDC case managers.” The case managers are there to attend to the evacuees’ needs, whether they be practical, like a work laptop, or more mental health-oriented.
Citizens under federal quarantine are entitled to basic needs, like food and medical care. Evans says the food is nothing fancy, but it will do, and it’s free. Breakfast is usually something like eggs, sausage and a muffin, and lunch could be a sandwich with chips and a pickle.
Playing the waiting game
Evans, who played football at the University of Cincinnati, moved to Wuhan two years ago to play football for the Chinese National Football League’s Wuhan Berserkers.
He’s facing a decision that a lot of other evacuees are probably weighing as well: Where to stay in the states while Wuhan battles the deadly virus that originated within its borders. Evans lives in Miami, but is originally from New York City, where he owns and operates a rideshare company. He’ll probably stay with family there when he’s allowed to leave.
Once the quarantine is over, the CDC has offered to shuttle evacuees to Los Angeles International Airport so they can get on a flight and get back to their lives.
Until then, evacuees at the hotel are able to talk to their families as often as they’d like. Evans says his family isn’ necessarily worried, just waiting it out. “As long as I am in good spirits when I talk to [my family], they’re in good spirits too,” Evans says.
“We stay to ourselves in the evenings,” Evans says. “We usually eat and then go back to our rooms and do our own thing. People just want to get out of here and get to their families. Everyone is respecting one another.”
“No group hugs or shaking hands though,” he adds.
Leaving behind a ghost town
A two-week quarantine may seem excessive for a disease that is still heavily localized in mainland China, but the Wuhan coronavirus has gotten exponentially more prevalent since it was first recorded in early December 2019. The virus has been confirmed in more than 25 countries and territories, and governments across the world have taken similar evacuation measures to get their citizens home and make sure the virus doesn’t catch hold on their shores.
Evans says when he left Wuhan, there was no panic. There were no cars on the road. No people outside.
There was nothing.
“It’s still a ghost town,” he says.
He’s talked to friends who are still in Wuhan, and they say people are just trying to stay civilized while they endure the quarantine. At first, Evans says, the scene in Wuhan was chaotic. But now, most people stay inside their homes, hoping their stockpiles of food and supplies will get them through the worst of it.
In comparison, a few days holed up in a Southern California hotel seems like a small price to pay for health and safety.

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American football in China

I’ve long heard that China has a football league and see it today, on tv. (Wiki: Chinese Super League 中超联赛 or CSL) The arena looks like a kid’s playpen -:), no insult intended. The players are mixed bag of people.

img_2741 img_2743 img_2744

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Footballers Fled Crash but Got Only Traffic Tickets

Long and petty thorough, Florida State Player Fled Crash but Got Only Traffic Tickets. Two things popped up:

  • 有钱能使鬼推磨
  • 打江山易保江山难

Money can motivate ghost to pull the millstone is a Chinese idiom, meaning money talks, in short. Good governance and legal system makes this country great. No one is above the law seems a distance memory.

Another Chinese idiom says it’s easier to create an empire than to maintain it. This country, USA, used to be great ..

One less come back/second chance story to enjoy.

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Where is the who’s who in tennis?

Can’t believe that Giants is 0-3!
Anyway, the former NHL player, goaltender Garth Snow who finished his career with the Islanders is on Golfer’s ice hockey team. No, he is NOT playing the goaltender, that would not be fair. Former Jets QB Boomer Esiason is also on Golfer’s ice hockey league. Now I’m looking around my little tennis league, where is who’s whos???

Giants (0-3) is playing at Kansa City Missouri. OMG, I can’t believe that the entire stadium becomes a red sea – everyone dressed in their team color. Sounds like a totalitarian regime -:) … shows how crazy/serious they’re about football. Thank god I’m in New York

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The W Factor

An eventful day.
Sending the kids back to their paradises. They hugged me at parting,
“Mom, it’s only three weeks, we’ll be back.”
Still, it’s a sad moment for me, happy for them. The result of bad mothering.

Giants got annihilated last week by the Cincinnati Bengals (31-13). So, to show my moral support, with home made dip. As it turned out, they destroyed the Green Bay Packers to a 38-10 win (Eli Manning passed 249 yards). Oh well. It’s not nearly as exciting as my SNT.

Peacock Wai whose ring is frequently kissed by the previous organizers (yes, they even asked for his autograph .. !!), had a huge night:

Wai/Tony vs Ral/Dan: 6-0, 6-3
Wai/Gis vs Dan/Sachi: 6-1
Wai/Sachi vs Dan/Gis: 6-0

Ral is a former teaching pro who’s in shape and extremely competitive. Extracting a bagel out of him is no small feat. Reportedly the Pro got upset again by a questionable line call made by the girl, surrendered the set at 3 after the 3-1 lead. Actually the same girl has made a line call that was reversed by her partner. So, it seems she isn’t the cheating type but not as sharp as many 4.0 guys.

Later I spoke with the girl who couldn’t even remember the incidents.
“I really had good time playing, perhaps didn’t even notice.” She felt that her opponents had no chance of winning and went on to say, “when the ball is on my side of the court, I hope my opponents respect my line call because I have a closer view.”

It’s better to air the dispute right away, so all involved could solve it immediately. Especially on the har tru surface, the mark might still be traceable.

Another bad news is, one of my mates popped his Achilles about 40 minutes into the two-hour long play. Aouch .. Speedy recovery J!

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