Archive for July, 2006


…. Most of the estimated 12,000-rocket inventory with which Hizbollah started the fighting are relatively crude Katyushas, with a 25-40km range.

… Reports FT.

Gosh, can’t believe the Katyushas are once again falling from the sky, big time. More than half a century ago, my Dad captained the army basketball team Katyushas in Beijing where he met my Mom who played forward. Many former K members are still keep in contact with one another, most of them are in Beijing and Shanghai! I spoke with few of them, for they know more about my parents than I do. So cool.


此照片是从黄维国自上海寄来的原版照片翻拍的.是咱们在《喀秋莎》球队时唯一的一张集团合影. 虽质量欠佳, 但留做纪念还是很有意义的. 这也是咱们军旅生涯中一个闪光点,很值得缅怀啊!


老战友 张良弼 2006.1.11

曾记否 照片中《喀秋莎》球队十位球员的名字? 他们是 着

…. Most of the estimated 12,000-rocket inventory with which Hizbollah started the fighting are relatively crude Katyushas, with a 25-40km range.

… Reports FT.

Gosh, can’t believe the Katyushas are once again falling from the sky, big time. More than half a century ago, my Dad captained the army basketball team Katyushas in Beijing where he met my Mom who played forward. Many former K members are still keep in contact with one another, most of them are in Beijing and Shanghai! I spoke with few of them, for they know more about my parents than I do. So cool.


此照片是从黄维国自上海寄来的原版照片翻拍的.是咱们在《喀秋莎》球队时唯一的一张集团合影. 虽质量欠佳, 但留做纪念还是很有意义的. 这也是咱们军旅生涯中一个闪光点,很值得缅怀啊!


老战友 张良弼 2006.1.11

曾记否 照片中《喀秋莎》球队十位球员的名字? 他们是(着队服者)

前排左起  王景辉  张良弼  郑镜澄  阁下

后排左起  黄维国  法宏德  王义  马维庆  孟广茂  张绪林

照片的拍摄时间 地点 及比赛的对手我记不清了. 你能回忆起来吗?

笑纳 收后请赐一信 张良弼 2006.1.11


黄维国  法宏德  王义  马维庆  孟广茂  张绪林

王景辉  张良弼  郑镜澄  张鹰




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