Archive for October, 2006

FDR vs West Highway

Where was I? Oh, I’m milking the MS Bike Tour,  … pls do allow me to do so, after all, I raised $500 and rode 30 miles. My right leg hurts so much that I can’t bend, walking with a limp, that, does look my age, lol. My right leg began to feel tight since yesterday, played bit too much tennis. Well, actually when Simon and I got to Sandy’s house, she was doing the blow job, right on the court … hey, what are you thinking? smile. Seriously, I don’t understand the gardener’s schedule – why don’t they come more often during the fall, when the leaves drop like there is no tomorrow?? During the summer time, like June or July, there isn’t much to do but they come regularly. I asked mine and his reply was that’s the way it is .. .. whatever. Anyway, so we helped her out. While I used the blower trying to get to the corner, I twisted my leg a little. By the time I left her house after 4 intermittent sets, the court was lightly layered with fresh leaves again, :). This morning, it was cold and I only had biking shorts on; perhaps the coldness also aggravated the leg.

The city closed down both the FDR and West Highway. The weather was beautiful and crispy; the sceneries from both rivers are simply gorgeous. I have to admit that the Hudson and the West Highway trumps the East River and FDR by a large margin. Few turns on the WH provide you the panorama view of the Hudson that is just breathe taking. … but, real estate on the East side is more expensive than the West, hmmmm. The old money vs new.

There were unicycles, bicycles, tricycles and quadcycles with babies. I’m dreaming maybe next year I’ll be charming enough to entice Slowpoke and King do the tri or quad … I’m in the back, sipping a martini 🙂 Ok .. That’s what the kids are for!!

Oh, sugar, I somehow lost my camera’s battery at beginning of the trip. How did that happen? Sure the kids are happy now that I have no camera to bother them with. Time for a new toy.

I rode up every single hills. We all took a rest at the top of the isle at about 10 o’clock, at the Inwood Hill Park near Columbia’s Baker Field. (Yale vs Harvard is legendary … how about Columbia?) For the first time ever, I ate a bag of potato chips before 2pm. Can’t understand nor believe the ‘food’ the tour provide on the stops consist of chips, would crackers be more politically correct? Eeehhhh, the green bananas: they’re inedible! After that, we set off again.
Right before we turned onto 218th Street, the road was very rough. My bike is mountain bike, so I wondered how did those road bikes fare. The part of West Highway from 218 to GW Bridge is just magnificent, high cliff on the left (Fort Tryon Park) and misty and reflecting river on the right, very tranquil. I rode pretty much alone, for my badminton buddies left me in their dust. But I did some thinking: how to fool my kids to join me next year. When and where is my next race, oh ya, I sketched out the bestseller, wink, wink.

The last 5 miles was the hardest. Coz my right leg hurt like hell. I should set my fund raising goal to $1000, so maybe the Tour would allow me ride in a stretch limo? Just a thought, never hurt to think big. My indoor tennis season starts tomorrow, I actually have a game tomorrow at 7pm, and Friday too. Good luck, need a rest, now.

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MS bike ride

I biked around the Isle of Manhattan, 30 miles! It’s 2006 MS Bike Tour. Really cool. Everyone got to do it.

I sincerly thank all my sponsors who made this race possible, for me.

The party started as soon as I got on LIE at 6am, lol … there were few cars loaded with bikes, and we waved to one another. Never drove in the city this early, kind of eerie. I got rear ended on Park Av as I was waiting for the traffic light at 54th. The drive looked really cute, bit like Laker Kobe Bryant … that’s why I decided to get out .. JK. He held couple of pieces of something and told me,
“My fault, I’m not going to argue …”
Was he thinking that I should pay for his damage, or even take me to the court?? So Kobe is not soo cute after all :), …
Anyway, the parking was easy at crack of dawn. More later, got to eat.

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