Archive for May 27, 2007

US Open in May?


Friday night we got a treat: a former pro who played 1989 US Open came to challenge Tony who’s a 5.0 player and rarely does he find a opponent within our circle. 
The story went like this: Tony showed up for work – a.k.a. to play – was playing first with the blue shorts and the bluey called his buddy the red shorts.  Tony teamed up with Jimmy whom I’ve never met before.  When I finished my game – lost singles to Mark (I was up 4:1, but couldn’t close the set, lost 6:4), but dished out a bagel to Mark and a Korean hard hitter like Alex in doubles with Eric – we followed others to court #4 where the game was in high octane, atmosphere was intense and temper flied couple of times.  It’s like watching the qualifying rounds at the Open.  Great stuff.  Tony and Jimmy took the first set at 7:5, and they stopped at 2:2 due to night fall.  I have the feeling that we’ll be seeing those often this summer.

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Top spin

Slowpoke tried with Barry today and liked it.  He worked on her forehand top spin only.  She asked me few times about it, but I didn’t want to give her any advice since my forehand isn’t good.  It turns out, my backhand isn’t either.  Barry took few minutes to hit with me, and pointed out I don’t use my legs … never get up completely, which is wrong.  Ha.  ….. hmmmmm … I thought about Woodie: kiss, keep it simple sweetie.  I know tennis more than trading, hence I feel comfortable trying different ways and seeking techniques from various players and coaches.  Would I be better off stick with just one school of thought?  Maybe.  It seems to be working for me in trading.  Has my tennis improved over the years?  Yes.  A thin line.  Well, life itself has many options.

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Sunny dumped me for Sunny

I got up at crack of dawn and raced to play with my weekend morning group.  Sunny and I got there at the same time, 6:48am.  Harrison and Robert, the pair early birds are perennial, were there sweating it out.  They both have beautiful single hand backhand, it’s a joy to see them play.  Charlie walked by before we started.  So he joined us.  15 minutes later, Ming came, so I thought we have a doubles game.  Then here came the spider: a cool looking Indian clad in black with a red cap who also named Sunny.  I was just dreaming would I be teaming up with the MIB … then heard the order from my Sunny: “Irene, you go to next court ..”  Yes lord.  There’s a guy who’s alone, doing some serves.  I’m sure I’ll be happy playing with him. … In fact, we did pair up against Albert and lefty Sing.  The Sunshines played a fantastic game, so did we, even we lost 6:4, oh the stranger’s name also Charlie, or whatever.  Sunny would remind me from time to time, “keep you eye on the ball!!”  Yes Lord.

Sunny and I had small chat as we walked in.  I asked him if it’s true that players generally peak after 3-5 years, and remain at that level, and going down hill as you age.  For I still thinking the elusive 4.0 … He said, it’s all depends on how fit you’re.  And went on to say, I’m at 4.0 level, “just need to keep your eye on the ball.”  How could I be a 4.0, when I never beat him at 2 points handicap who plays on a 3.5 league?  Men’s is different from the girls.  Oh ya?  Okaaay.  Whatever you say, Sunshine.  I know I wont win a set, now I know I can’t even win an argument.  Just keep my eyes on the ball.

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