Archive for August 19, 2007

Verbalizing it


Yuan Meng squats very low to hit double hand back hand.  It’s amazing that on TV you’d think the girls tennis is in slow motion, but in reality, they’re powerful and fast.  And watching mens would like ice hockey.  Did anyone watch FedEx playing Blake this afternoon?  Very enjoyable but too short!  This morning I played 4 sets, 3x loser, :(, lol .. every time Andy hit a winner, he’d say ‘I’m yuan meng-ing’, :)).  My partner was great, stood by me for the entire 3 sets.  We’ll get there soon, :)).  There were often long rallies and every time I stick out my hand, the point was over.  Errrrrrhhhh, what a party pooper.  I should just walk off the court and watch, :).

Sandy perhaps is the one who has the biggest green thumb.  Her garden has all kinds of veggies and fruits .. my take ..above.  Pls don’t ask me what’s the green leaf on the left, I have no idea.  Am I stupid or what, didn’t realize chives are grew from the dirt directly.  I should have known since the roots are always dirty.  Shhhhiiiish … … She uses a knife to cut them.  Neat.  Anyway, my 百分娘子军, next Saturday if the weather holds up, I’ll get chives for dumplings with da regular pork, ok??

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