Archive for October 10, 2008

What’s he thinking?

If I were to run a European tour and here is an American who had won my tour 7 times in a row, I sure would welcome him coming out of retirement and compete again.  Right? Besides, the Yankee offers the huge market that other wise might be somewhat closed.

What is Lance Armstrong thinking to return? Winning that 8th title? Without his former team and mates? His stake is high. If he lose, the media and nay sayers would jump on him that since the drug testing is more sophisticated now that he has to ride clean .. .. Or he’s over his prime .. .. I could only think that he loves the sport and also wants to promote his agenda, which he could find any other platform to do so but he chose cycling.

What is Jean-Etienne Amaury thinking by claiming Legstrong had “embarrassed” the tour?  Doesn’t he recognize the fact that it’s Legstrong that attract so many Yankees that other wise wouldn’t even glance at his direction?  I for one, would not if were not for Legstrong.  The sissy Europeans could not keep me in front of TV.  Non of them are even as half good looking as Legstrong.  Thick head.


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