Archive for December, 2008

52 Pick-Up ?

Mar 18, 2010Flsuhing Meadow pool on Mar 18, 2010

Today must be the bad hair day. I felt like a dead meat in the pool. I was tired when I entered the water and feeling tired when I counted the 22nd laps and was dragging myself at 38th laps. I normally feel energized by 8th laps or so. But my limbs were too heavy for me today. .. But I managed the 40 straight and did an additional 12.

Think of Phelps swims every day! Some time the moment I hit the water, I felt ephemeral although I never smoke or inhale .. but hey, I could read 🙂 .. and others would be like today .. uninspiring.

The swimming pool in Flushing has improved a little but the young lady isn’t there any more, -:(.  I found people are, over all, bit more courteous. Perhaps the time of the year.

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Run baby run

The Panthers and Giants game last night was so great! Yapppppy. Giants won it in OT and now would have the home-field advantage. Some commentators joked that their trip to the Super Bowl this year won’t have to take the scenic route.

Giants played a very effective running game and that big dude Bran-done– he’ll become a free-agent – rushed in the winning TD in OT. He’s lethal.

Ok, I was too busy watching the football, did not state clear about pragmatic love. Yes, people of all ages falling in love. And love has the magic touch to render one powerless. What I meant is as one gets older, falling in love would more often come with few trappings, such as compatibility and affordability, especially among Asians.

One conversation I heard a while back between two g/fs. A Caucasian whose hubby died young (a medical doctor) was dating a schoolteacher. The Chinese lady whose hubby is 20 years her senior incredulously asked, “don’t you worry about your financial future?”
The Caucasian replied,
“Yes I do, but first I have to find him attractive.”
There lie two different philosophies. Granted they come from different worlds and backgrounds. But what puzzled me is that few more Chinese divorcees I came across had the same attitude: they first worry if the men they’re dating have money or are after their money.
“What make you think he doesn’t worry that you’re after his money?” I often wondered.
They are miserable while dating. And the Internet dating. Oh .. a g/f is dating, and meeting different guy every week. In the beginning we were curious and pumped her for info. But after few weeks we were tired. I think if you can get different guy every week, so could he. Well, unless she enjoys meeting different man every week, I think it’s waste of time. And I often heard that the pictures resemble nothing in reality. ..

There isn’t a right way or wrong way doing it. You do what you have to and want to. But you get what you dish. So I think being kind, generous and less calculating may find a true love again. Not saying being meant and stingy won’t find true love.

I don’t have distraction of little Giants, so I hope I convey my thoughts clearer. In any event, life is simple yet complicated, or simply complicated. I’m no expert except knowing that you could only harvest what you planted.

有情人终成眷属 .. Let your heart lead you.

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When one reflects too much, it makes him or her a loser. But when one has no introspective, weeeellll, I think it’s a lose .. too. So we have to find that middle ground.

Year end is always a good time to do so.

Tiki Barber interviewed Giants’ running back #27 Brandon Jacobs who’s agile and can run despite his little size -Height: 6-4 Weight: 264; born: 7/6/1982 Houma , LA .. who’s longing for the national recognition or the stardom. The interview showed clips the two played together.
Bran-Done ..
At the end, Tiki said, he has one more question.
“Why did you go to Superbowl without me?”
“Can I have the ring?” Tiki joked.
“I’ll lend it to you.” The running back teased back.

I felt sad for Tiki. I like him a lot but obviously he wasn’t right for the Giants. In reality, the little Giants might not win the Superbowl had he not left. It’s so trite to say that life is unpredictable, but it’s true. The Black Swan made fun of another book that I enjoyed, Blink.

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NASCAR in New York

The NASCAR has some royalty coming .. .. at 42nd Street @ Lexington .. few fans were waiting out side. The fans are mostly blonde and chubby. .. .. errrrr I was not among them, cause I was busy groupie another idol.

NASCAR took of in the USA like wild fire out of control, burning bright in the south. Golfer took me to a race in Bethlehem, PA, the Andretti territory. The fans would arrive hours early to watch the pomp and circumstance; floats, parade .. We used to the short exits on LIE only to find out each exits on that highway in Pennsylvania was about 12 miles apart. We timed ourselves to be there on time for the actual race. After conquered the three long 3 exits and got into the parking lot, and found a place to actual park, made to the stand, the race was already underway.
Oh lord, it was loud.
The all white fans around us eyed us suspiciously. Many of them perhaps never saw an Asian before .. JK .. coolers, beers, .. when it was finally over, we were stranded in the parking lot for another 3 hours, because everyone proceeded to have their tailgate party in the lot.

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Hash judgment

Giants suspended Plaxico Burress for the rest of the season. My gut feeling is, he might not play for the Giants again.

I like the fact that the Giants keeps themselves lean and clean – (Three Strikes and You’re Out – is so sick and kiddish. The baseballers are fooling themselve) Great. But, I wish they would have considered the un-remarked-upon fact that one of their players was attacked ..

BARBER: “Last week, Steve Smith, one of Plaxico’s fellow receivers, was attacked at gunpoint and robbed in front of his house so his mindset is ‘I have to protect myself, I’m a target.’” ..

Someone will be very eager to sign Burress ..

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NFL in Beijing

OMG .. Might the little Giants play an exhibition game in Beijing next season? I’ll be there.

A Chinese footballer? I don’t see him coming because the physical attribute is so important. I could see Chinese baseballers. And there are basketballers already in the leagues in the US.

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