Archive for March, 2009

3 and 2290

I went to play badminton tonight after three long months of hiatus, due to the right ankle. It’s so good to see everyone !! There are few new players. I only got to play 3 sets. A very good 3 sets – 3:0. 2 sets were teaming up with Simon and 1 with Jordan. The very first set I served first, cause they always say ‘lady’s first’ .. so .. I never relinquish that. Yes, I won all my first 15 points. Is there a name for it? The third set was a close game, 15:8 – couldn’t believe we actually outplayed Jordan and a young kid.

Jordan was happy: announcing his college admission – 17 yes so far, from Yale, Princeton, Stanford .. and he’s waiting for the one: the H bomb .. Harvard.
“It should have come at 5pm today.” He looked at his iPhone.
“No worry, perhaps the Pacific time zone.” I joked.
He laughed.
He did not do any volunteer work.
“I have two jobs. I want to make money.” He said firmly.
“What do you do?”
“I tutor.”
“Did you attend tutor school?”
“Yes, for a week. I found it useless for me. .. I got 3 SAT books and did it on my own.”
He got 2290 out of 2400.
Way to go J!

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The Avery rule

Sean Avery is New York Rangers’ left wing who really into fashion beside being brutal on the ice. He twice led the National Hockey League in penalty minutes, perhaps is better known for the Avery Rule.

“I [Avery] admire well-dressed men no matter where they are — a guy in a police uniform that has it pulled together nicely or a doctor in his scrubs,” he said, a nasty scratch bleeding on his chin. “I like that identity of having a presence. I think that’s what it is. It states your presence.”
Mr. Avery’s most notorious on-ice moment came during the Stanley Cup playoffs last spring, when he sought to distract the Devils goalie Martin Brodeur by standing with his back to the action and using his arms and stick to block the goalie’s view, aping every move Mr. Brodeur made. Hockey purists fumed. The next day the league banned such antics, a prohibition known informally as the Avery Rule.

The Times magazine even put him on its 8th Annual Year in Ideas for inventing this unsportsmanlike conduct. Other ice hockey players had done so but not to this exreme, which defeats the purpose of the game. Similarly, basketball has a three second rule which prohibits a 7-footer android just standing by the basket. I would like to see Jordan to air walk and then slam dunk the ball.

Both sport leagues acted shiftily and the rule created and being enforced.

The US Government has a lot learning to do, from the sport league. I was rolling my eyes last night reading the governemnt ordered GM’s CEO Rick Wagoner to resign, in order to get more federal funding. 杀鸡儆猴 shaji jinghou, centesimate or 亡羊补牢wangyang bulao mend the fold after a sheep is lost, bit too late? Granted the laws and rules would most likely be created after the crime or misdeed had been committed. But once it created, should be enforced. The SEC has laws and rules to regulate Wall Street, but they didn’t enforce them the way the sport league did. The games are ever so popular while the financial sector is in disarray.

Just my 2 cents ..

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10/30/2009 ..

“For the land of the free,” Mr. Platini jokes, “the United States has more rules and regulations than anybody else!” He pauses. “American professional sports seemed to cope in the financial crisis better than the stock market did. .. “

Michel Platini the former star on the soccer field is right, absolutely and positively right.

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Citi Field .. food court


the PA announced that all the tickets were sold out.. the limited number of tickets were sold out on the first day at the brand new stadium.
The greasy fried perfume was thick in the air. It was dampy and cold, so it was bit bearable; not sure in the hot summer day. After a while, the aroma made me sick. The Americans need to eat constantly, so there are always food stands. They need to buy something, regardless of what, just trinkets on display, for them to have an excuse to take out their wallets, hence every museum/sport arenas/parks have plenty shops for them to spend.

Nathan’s World Famous Beef Hot Dog $4.75
Pretzel $3.75
Lobster roll $24
Mama’s Italian Special Hero $9.75
16 oz Fountain Soda $3.50
Bottled Water $3.75
16 oz Buswiser $7.50
Chicken Milanese $9.50

The tickets are ranging from $695 to nosebleed (cheapest) seat at $11. Let’s see .. a family of 4,
ticket $36 = $144
parking $18 = $18
food $20 = $80
Total: $243

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Citi Field .. alcohol compliance officers


After 9/11, the word compliance is hot.

Just as corporate raiders represented the Wall Street of the 1980’s (think of Gordon Gekko) and mutual fund managers were the icons of the 90’s (Jeffrey N. Vinik, who ran the Fidelity Magellan fund, was a minor celebrity), the lawyers who keep companies in compliance with increasingly tough regulatory laws have become a new prototype of the financial district.

They may lack the flash and glamour of earlier models, but this is the compliance lawyer’s moment in the sun.

Now come in the alcohol compliance on baseball field.

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Finally, the new Citi Field


The new Citi Field had opened today, hosted St. Johns vs Georgetown. The season opening is slated on 4/13. The new stadium is classy, cozy, wide open, less seats (they couldn’t sell out anyway, might as well make them nicer and less ..) nicely done, with an old world charm, or old ball field feeling, like the Ebbets Field where Brooklyn Dodgers played. It’s a good place to go, to watch a game and have a drink or two. But today was too cold to have a beer 🙁 .. thank lord it didn’t rain out, the sun almost made it through. The Shea Stadium was like a no frill old Soviet thing, no kidding. The surrounding of the field is still lousy, not sure when it will be completely rehabilitated.

When we left, St. Johns was down 4:6. Every time when a Georgetown guy scored, but RBI or homer, the dugout would be emptied out, everyone rushed out to high five the player. So bush league .. This is the first time I saw a minor league or college, so I have no way of knowing it’s the tradition or just the Georgetownies.

Once we were vacationing at the Cap Cod, Golfer sneaked out for a minor league game at night .. couldn’t say I was disappointed .. but would it be nicer if he said he scored with a girl?

Golfer has a colleague who works in the tax department how’s evening gig isn’t parparing your tax returns but sell beers at the Shea now at the Citifield with the Mets. He does it for the love of it

I would take my kids there, the only problem is: would they want to go?

Now, will the Citigroup have the nine lives to renew the contract in 2029?

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Classic Bobby Valentine: Waiting for a Call

I miss Bobby Valentine. The game was more exciting when he was around. Anyone still remembers once he was being thrown out of the game, but came back with disgust, a fake mustache and all that. It was for a good laugh although he got fined. Who cared. We loved him for it.

Now he’s been in Japan for a few years .. and the Mets never gone far after him. He at least took the team to the World Series, only lost to dammed Yankees.

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Pretty Women Into Thin Air

A few pretty and strong women.

I’ve never heard of Liu Hairu 刘海若 till yesterday when DQ brought her up. Her Baidu profile is bit over kill and petty, but does provide a window into a promising life cut short. I admire her greatly over her will to live – decleared brained dead by the British docs after train accident but came back alive and strong – at the help of hospital in Beijing. An inspiring and remarkable woman and a story.

Lou forwarded this set of photos, a 27-year old Guangxi mountaineer 罗丽莉 Luo Lili who’s making her second attempt at 珠峰 the Mount Everest – not sure the news is recent or 2008. I thought about Sandy Hill Pittman, the socialite who’s part of Jon Krakauer and famed guide Rob Hall group. They assaulted the Mount Everest on May 10, 1996, the deadliest day in the mountain’s history when five climbers died. I remembered reading Krakauer’s account, in which he described the last call Hall made to his pregnant wife in New Zealand. It was just heart breaking. Also on Sandy Hill Pittman getting her glossy magazines and gourmet food to the base camp on the mountain. She was characterized in the media at the time as a spoiled, cappuccino-machine-toting socialite. However Krakauer gave hercredit for raising money.. Sandy who strikes me as totally American and totally unpretentious yet ambitious gave her first interview 12 years later, saying “.. others .. when their life is at a difficult spot, turn to drugs or drink or credit cards,” she told David Breashears. “I go to the mountains. That’s always worked for me.”
Sandy Hill is a survivor too, not just from death, but in life as well. After the failed attempt in May, few months later, she scaled the Mount Everest successfully, becoming handful people in the world who had ascended all Seven Summits. However her social life in New York was doomed. Her friends began to avoid her and her husband Bob Pittman just left without a forwarding address. Too big of target for her own good? Too much of being the Talk of Town? She never blinked. Dated Stephen Koch and then married Tom Ditmer in 2001.
Sandy’s ex Bob Pittman married climber and film-maker (trailer below) David Breashears’s estranged wife Veronique Choa in 1997.

Not sure about Luo who’s still too young, but Liu and Sandy Hill have strong purposes in life, in which I found them particularly beautiful. Their don’t live in their good looks, it’s just a complementary.

This morning I got to play with the girls after the normal battle with the boys – girls doubles. Image that.
Phyllis and I against Allison and Mrs. Chou. The entire morning as I was playing, I tried hard to think of her name but came up empty. It didn’t occur to me till the second set. I haven’t seen her in a long time. She looked the same and played the same. We were up 5:4 when Phyllis had to leave. Btw, I had winning record this AM. Phew.

Ok .. had my Lychee martini and am having apple martini. The hot pot dinner is ready, waiting for my guests. All have great weekend. Cheers !!

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Officer delayed Moats as relative died

The Houston Texans running back Ryan Moats ran a red light, caught by Officer Robert Powell. What’s so sickening’s Moats’ mother-in-law was dying upstairs in the hospital, the nurse came down trying to get him but the police officer just won’t let him go ..

Racing to see his dying mother-in-law at a Plano hospital, an NFL player found himself delayed by a Dallas officer as her life ebbed away. It’s a story that has sparked outrage across North Texas and generated interest around the country.

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A nonfiction novel

Very good morning to you all..

Phew, a little break from a book I’ve been working on since the New Year. The story dropped into my lap unexpectedly. How and when it’s going to be published is unknown but I’ve just done with the 2nd edition and sent to a friend who’s an honest critic and bookman.

Writing is the easiest component of a book.

Unlike the Last Concubine or few other titles that was so readily jumped at me, I haven’t had an ideal name for this book yet. Have a clue but haven’t come up with a neat title.

I met the bookman John B few years ago, online when I needed the precise year that Harvard and Yale awarded its first PhD, for my research. The Yalies quickly e-mailed me the scanned info but the H bomb lag behind. So I called again on that D-day and was being transferred the nth time, when a nice man John B the Bookman picked up the phone, I just lost it .. (you can fill the blank here). Our conversation was an act of something like petulance. He actually patiently and sympathetically listened to my frustrating rants.

Bookman is very into Tibet (still haven’t figure it out if he’s with me or against me on this issue .. .. I’m slow .. ) and wanted to go there. Not sure if my persuasion worked or he went without telling me – men always tell women lies, ha ha ha .. That was years ago. He became my Tibet guru and helped me a lot on research I conducted. Now he’s burdened with my raw scribble. I threatened him that if my book doesn’t get published or published but only sell one copy, he’ll be the DMW, dead man walking.
A piece of practical and good advice to all nice wo/men: when a lunatic calls, be aware .. .. don’t just walk away, run away fast 🙂


.. Really, now I’ll get myself re-acquaintance and cozy up to the Concubine and work on her again.

Just now Larry called cause he’s short of warm body tomorrow. Thought I ready fulfilled my quota this week yesterday. He has a nickname as 五点半, or should it be Dancing Queen’s since she was the original one who got me up in the middle of the night. Golfer would smile, asking “5:30 again?” when my cell phone rings.

Now the DQ is sitting pretty and I’m going to bat, working hard day in and day out. I need to win a game or two!!

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Monica Seles: A bubbling career pierced with a knife

International Herald Tribune
By Christopher Clarey , Published: February 15, 2008

For all practical purposes, Monica Seles was already retired from competitive tennis before she issued her brief, fan-friendly statement on Thursday confirming the obvious.

An old news. I was searching for something else, came upon this one. It’s nicely written.

I was never her fan but liked her father Karolj Seles very much, humble and quiet who would cheer for both girls. He had to be one of the best tennis daddies around. I once ran into Steffi Graf’s dad, Peter at the gate of US Open. He acted like he owned the place, arrogantly cruised in without regard to the others and gate keepers.
Ok, we knew you’re Steffi ‘s dad, so what?
His cheating on taxes landed him in jail for 3 years and 9 months.

This morning Phyllis and I teamed up against Larry and John and we actually got 3 game out of them. The second set they tighten the screw so we got a bagel. Met a tall new player Rob who teamed up with me for one more set against Larry and Phyllis. We were up 4:2 when Josh replaced Phyllis. I just couldn’t close the game at 5:2 and we ended up losing 7:5 in tiebreak.

While playing, an electrician installed a video camera in the corner of court 9 that could surveillance one side of the courts, 7-9. Phyllis joked, now that we can’t do it on court, have to settle it behind the blue curtains 🙂
Yesterday I played with girls. Gals. I almost hit one of the girls. The entire court gone silent. And I wanted to kill myself. I think in the midst of it, my girl partner and I got a bagel from them. I just don’t know how to play nice with girls 🙂 … but we did talk about cooking and mothering, a lot.
When the pressure is high, I tend to focus more. Alright, I admit, Irene sucks.

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