Archive for March, 2009

The Citifield 花旗场

C closed at US$1.03, a penny stock now.

A-Rod made headline news with his pending surgery to remove a cyst from his right hip. Given the state of the economy, the price Citifield is charging – Golfer went to Islanders’ game this Thursday at $80 plus parking at $8 (Shea was at $12 last year) the last place team – I think the sport events are pricing themselves out of market.

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Horay, Pumpkin made her lacrosse varsity team. Poor mom I waited for an hour, then saw the three smiling girls piled in and as I was driving, they were still giggling. Girls! pls get hold of yourself 🙂 hehehe .. Congratulations.

I knew she wanted it, after the JV or junior varsity circuit. She’s very disciplined and methodically goes about her business.

The bad news of the day is knows a good friend of ours has breast cancer. She discovered last Christmas during the routine mammogram. Fortunately it’s early stage. Our prayer is with her.

Treasure these you know and close.

The opposing team is having a good time. More pics on their last game on FB

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A little exercise

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San Francisco Loses at Badminton

Outmatched by an 86-Year-Old! Look at that.

I haven’t been playing badminton since last December when I twisted my right ankle at the parking lot of the pool. Now although I’m good enough to play tennis, but I’m trying to conserve, so no badminton for the time being. Ouuuuch ..

SAN FRANCISCO — In a time when governments across the country are raising every manner of fee to battle nasty budget deficits, one 86-year-old man here drew the line.

Ed Leong decided to fight City Hall over badminton. And, soon, City Hall found it too hard to fight Ed Leong.

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NFL players missing at sea

Raiders’ Marquis Cooper, ex-Lion Corey Smith are missing at sea since Saturday night and Coast Guard is not hopeful of finding them.

欺山莫欺水 .. Chinese likes to say

I’m surprised at the size of the boat – 21 footer, very small, especially given the size of an average NFL players. What were they thinking when they rode out? The unsinkable little boat was no match for the swell ocean. No one is invincible.

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Two records were set

This past weekend: we started to play at 5:40 and Simon cracked his first Bud at 6:32. That’s morning if you’re wondering. And yes Simon had his first beer before sunrise.

I set alarm clock at 5am but woke up at 4:14. Too early, I went back to sleep; then 4:30; then 4:45 .. what’s the heck, got up and got ready .. Simon and I won 6:4 and 7:5 for the first two sets – I think I got all my first serve in. Apparently my wrist isn’t hurt as much as the ankle, because we were served a bagel: 6:0 the next set when my ankle felt very tender and couldn’t really run.

Larry was there too, watching. He just found a new hanging out place or senior center – the newly renovated USTA. After the game, we chatted with him briefly and inviting him for breakfast. Dear Larry declined. He’d rather hanging out at the USTA. Larry and I are having a date this Thursday, not sure who the other two players are. He said he plays there e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y.

Think Irene is tennis crazy? Not even close.

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