On another stolen moment, dropping off King to his jazzy club, I detoured to Parkwood pool, which is done now after the renovation or reconfiguration.
It’s very nice.
The main pool didn’t seem to be changed, might have been enhanced. There is a snake bar and area on the main pool deck next to the life guards office. The wading pool adds a triangle canopy, protecting babies from the rays.
The medium pool was relocated few yards from the old one: filling the old hole and digging a new one. Lots of work.
The water slide opens at certain time of the day.
The lazy river looks really delicious, so is the kiddie pool.
The locker/shower room is updated. An additional bathroom was built. The ground floor snake room adjacent to the rink is renovated – the home of the gold medal figure skater Sarah Hughes. A new flat screen TV was mounted on the wall high above the fireplace. The old skate shop was moved.
Over all, the flow is nice.
Lifeguards are mixed with college, college grads and high schoolers. The pool opens from Memorial Day (or June 1 or so) to Labor Day, first Monday in September. The membership is $285 for family, $185 individual and $120 for senior. 5-day multi pass $50 for adult and $45 for youth. Steve still runs his Masters Swim, $210, Mon/Wed/Fri from 6am – 7:30am.
My question is …. Does It Worth It?