I’ve seen him few years ago, in SI. The large picture was taken from above while he was about to strike out a powerful serve. It captured the motion beautifully, as well as the greenish eye color. Really cool.
“Please do better than James Blake.” I remembered thinking to myself.
After the BBQ, I returned to collect Pumpkin at USTA. We agreed to see one more match. Donald it is.
We were waiting for the break to enter the court. One young Asian boy holding the huge fizzle ball elbowed his way to the front while his dad looked on.
The Donald won the game in 2 sets.
I went down to take a picture, hoping for a frontal. Couldn’t forget his eyes.
The Asian boy was down there too. I heard the father telling him in Chinese
“Get his signature. He’ll be a star.”
I laughed to myself.
At age 20? Not likely.
I wished he were in top 5.
USA is really lacking behind.
Where is the next generation of players?
Couple of good looking players .. Ksenia Lykina of Russia in blue trim, and Andrea Hlavackova of Cze in one piece and the phantom of … fill in the blank 🙂