Archive for September 14, 2009

Be quiet .. I don’t give a shit

Chair umpire: “.. .. Be quiet.”
Roger Federer “.. .. I don’t give a shit .. ..”
Wow.. Men’s Singles Final is in progress, between Juan Martin Del Potro and FedEx.
One set apiece.
Del Porto broke Rog and was serving at 4:3. But couldn’t hold. Rog broke back and the last point that gave Rog 5:4 was questionable. Del Porto decided to challenge the call long after 2 seconds has passed; and Rog walked to his chair. Players have two seconds to file a challenge.Rog .. “I wasn’t allowed to challenge after two seconds. The guy takes like 10 every time.”
“Be quiet,” The umpire told Federer.
That irrated FedEx
“You have any rules? Don’t tell me to be quiet, ok? When I want to talk I’ll talk, all right…I don’t give a shit what he said, ok?”
I think he has Serena’s incident in mind.
Mary Carillo commented that it’s joke for no coaching:
“Everyone cheats.” They all look up to their coach.
“Whom would you turn to?”
The 2-second rule is to cut down the chance to consult with coach.
I’m not sure now, but for a long time, Roger didn’t have a coach.
4th set, tiebreak.
Del Potro’s serving.
His first serve looked out. No call.
I think someone from the crowds called out.
Federer approached the chair. After brief conversation, Rog challenged the point.
Del Porto said .. didn’t we just had this 2-second exchange?
He had a point.
But the chair umpire allowed the challenge.
It was out, by a hair distance – but it’s beside the point – why did the chair umpire allow it??
Del Porto did his second serve .. and went on to win the 4th set at 7:4.
US Open is tarnishing its name.
I can’t wait for the Federer trophy ceremony and interview ..

Did anyone feel funny when US Open claimed

A Storybook Ending for Clijsters


I disagree for she didn’t exactly, actually win that match.

5th set: Del Potro leads 3:0. He started the 5th set .. Rog started the previous 4 sets. Hmmmmm…
5th set, 4:1. Del Potro serves. Rog has 10 double faults and 58 unforced errors. He’s playing below himself and looks dare. .. he lost the match at 6:2 5th set.

Ironically, given what’s happened earlier about the delayed challenge, Rog changllened a Del Potro’s first serve after prolonged delay. Del Potro protested. But the chair umpire allowed it anyway.
It was out.
Del Potro went to the line and smacked out a second-serve.

Really, IS THERE any rule at US Open?

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forehand and backhand

forehand ..

more .. backhand

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Serena is on fire at the Women’s Doubles Final

Serena and Venus Williams disposed the number 1 doubles team Cara Black and Liezel Huber 2 and 2 – 6:2, 6:2. Their third major this year (only lost the French) and their last US Open was 10 years ago.

The match was very exciting – show more doubles games please!!! Aside from wonderful hands at net – ping pong volleys, clean passing shots, they whacked balls hard at each other. One male commented wondered that you may lose a friend that way. The court side commentator, the Aussie said there wasn’t many other angle you could hit to when one stays so close to the net.

Simon sometimes would say to me, not to hit to the net person. The truth is
1. I’m lazy – often the case – not moving my feet
2. have nowhere else to hit to
3. I don’t have much control

I have no desire to hit anyone. Yesterday I got hit on my banded up arm. The guy held up his hands to apologize. No need. Honestly, I wasn’t tad mad, not at all. The first thought hit my head was,
“Oh, Irene, move your feet.”

Ding and I have been winning a lot lately. He thinks that my game has improved a lot. It’s getting harder and harder to have all your body parts work at the same time: wrist, arm, elbow, shoulder, back, ankle .. mine are having truce at the moment, so I treasure the opportunity and play well.

The sisters earned US$420,000 from Olympus, and one trophy from Tiffany. How do they split the trophy?

You’ve got to see the trophy ceremony. Patrick Mcenroe is an terrible by pressing Serena. Was he trying to give her an outlet or egging on her?
Did anything changed in the last 48 hours?” then reduced to 24 hours
Serena laughed. Finally it’s Venus took over and said .. ..
“I think the crowds says let’s move on Patrick ..” that ended the interview.
What was he thinking? Out of line there.

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Her apology

Serena made a statement on Sunday after the foot fault incident.

“Last night everyone could truly see the passion I have for my job. Now that I have had time to gain my composure, I can see that while I don’t agree with the unfair line call, in the heat of battle I let my passion and emotion get the better of me and as a result handled the situation poorly. I would like to thank my fans and supporters for understanding that I am human and I look forward to continuing the journey, both professionally and personally, with you all as I move forward and grow from this experience.”

No remorse, deemed the media.

So she made an apology today.

Hey guys!!!

I want to amend my press statement of yesterday, and want to make it clear as possible – I want to sincerely apologize FIRST to the lines woman, Kim Clijsters, the USTA, and tennis fans everywhere for my inappropriate outburst. I’m a woman of great pride, faith and integrity, and I admit when I’m wrong.

I need to make it clear to all young people that I handled myself inappropriately and it’s not the way to act — win or lose, good call or bad call in any sport, in any manner.

I like to lead by example. We all learn from experiences both good and bad. I will learn and grow from this, and be a better person as a result.


Was the line judge a volunteer? Did the judge know all the rules? Why couldn’t USTA spend little to hire someone who’s competent? Her conduct on court was unsportsmanlike. But why would major player tolerate a quasi-professional? And as if she never got a bad call.

As the USTA officials are saying that they’re launching an investigation, an INVEStigation!! – to decide if to levy more fines or even suspects Serena. It’s bogus. What’s there to investigate? The sisters are playing ladies doubles final – they won 6:2 n 6:2. Higher TV rating to have them in the tourney? Without Serena and Venus, what else do they have to offer? I know the limit shelve life the top players have, but the sisters are sure could dominate the tennis for few more years.

Serena was provoked.

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