Archive for May, 2010

My daughter-in-law

Pumpkin’s lacross team played their season finale, losing 5:8. They lost most draws and the opposing team would score. The visiting team’s players are huge and they would run straight through you to score. Size does matter, everywhere.

At the party after the game, a pretty and bubbly sophomore came over to introduce herself and said Pumpkin is so cute. Later I learned that she actually proposed to King. Oh my god. I felt so lucky having such outgoing and beautiful daughter-in-law. But it seemed that King has commitment problem.
Upon hearing it, he demurred: said nothing.
So the future daughter-in-law asked him:
“DON’T you speak English?”
Hahaha .. she has humor too.
But .. but .. her motivation to marry my son is to be Pumpkin’s sister-in-law .. hmmmmmm .. Remember the say that when something is too good to be true is probably not true.

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USTA site map

The ground of NTC is in Flushing Meadow park. It has 12 indoor hard courts, 4 hartru indoor courts, 18 out door courts and 5 out door practice courts.

Court 2, April 24, 2011

Court 5, May 14, 2011 at Metro mixed 7.0 playoffs

Court 6, May 25, 2011; Women 3.5 singles début; lost 6-0, 6-2

Court #10, June 8, 2011; 3.5 double début

Court 13, May 2 2011; practice

Court 14, May 15, 2011 at Metro mixed 7.0 playoffs

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The vigilante justice

US Open. Center Court. 1989. Ivan Lendl was playing (forgot his opponent’s name). One bad line call resulted in Landl’s favor. He didn’t protest it by giving back the point. Then immediately after a point or two later, one of the linesmen called a controversy shot that favored his opponent, Lendl shouted in resignation, almost good naturally,
“Do you have to give it back so quickly?”
The whole stadium chuckled.

Back in Jan 2010, the big news in ice hockey was Vancouver Canucks forward Alexandre Burrows accusing referee Stephane Auger of slapping him with spiteful penalties, because Burrows faked an injury in a Dec game that Auger dished out a penalty to the player who ‘injured’ Burrows, causing Ref A feeling stupid and tricked into giving a penalty. Reportedly, Auger said to Burrows that he’ll get him. And he did, the Canucks lost 3-2 at home: one goal was scored while the faker was in the penalty box.

The league fined Iverson $25,000 for his comments, but most of the league referees thought the punishment was too lenient and were upset he wasn’t suspended. As a result, we collectively decided to dispense a little justice of our own, sticking it to Iverson whenever we could.

“Unfortunately that’s part of the sport we’re in. It’s a team sport and those guys (officials) are part of the game.”

There is vigilante justice in every aspect of life/sport. People think they know instinctively what’s right and what’s wrong.

During one of last weekend’s playoffs, the deciding match against Manhattan, there was a bad call by our team. The Manhattan pair didn’t protest at all but moments later, when it was their game point, the ball traveled from our court into theirs, landed deeply on the inside of the ad court but the Blue Jersey called it out as he was chasing it down (but couldn’t get to it). We sat on the stand (on ad court side) and saw it clearly.
One of vets on my team muttered: “don’t call it carelessly .. call the line smartly.. .. now they got the game.”
So .. ..
Skills, luck plus timing, you win. Isn’t this the right formula for life? On a good hair day when stars align one could do no wrong.
Also, you’ve got to learn the system.

Woody Allen narrated a perfect metaphor in Match Point that there are moment in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second it can either go forward or fall back. With little luck, it goes forward and you win. Or maybe it doesn’t, and you lose.

One of Golfer’s four-some said he quit playing competitively was due to too much aggravation/cheating on court. But so far, I have only found mistakes but not intentional cheating. It’s very hard to judge a player on a close call, was it blink moment or plain devious. I know I don’t have excellent line calls and don’t mind to be corrected. Have I faced a call that I already made up my mind before the ball landed? Of course. Am I a cheater? Absolutely not.

Lendl went on to win that match but Boris Becker beat him in the final, from the baseline, claimed his only US Open crown.

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FedEx was bagled ..

My badminton group used to have Mr. Huang who worked at the premise – one of the churches in town. He would set up the net on the night that we have game (used to be two nights a week, then reduced to one night ..), and waiting patiently for us to arrive. There’s only one court. Most of the time, we would have about 10 or so regulars who showed up for work religiously and took turn to play. But there were couple of times during his tenure (he had since left, and the church canceled the badminton night, well, since non of us converted..) the crowds was very thin, as just the two of us. Then we would play games after long warming up.
I dreaded it.
Because he’s far better player, so the point would end very quickly.

How quickly?

One and two.

When it’s my serve, he would return it, and the point was over.

When he served, on a luck I could return it (most time I couldn’t ..) then he would kill it next.

We ended up spending most time picking up the birdie. I absolutely have no qualm of losing fairly in a competition but felt he could and should make the game more enjoyable by giving in a little. Just like I don’t enjoy beating a kid – there isn’t any enjoyment out of it. There was bit anger after the set point as I was wondering how much joy he’d get by beating a weaker player for it’s a friendly game.

In general, I’m a firm believer that one shouldn’t serve a bagel and I reminded my team of this too. (Few have retorted .. that they would) I thought to myself .. maybe just me thinking this way, cause I’m a loser. At last weekend playoffs, one of seasoned players on my team shared his feeling of bageling:
Don’t do it.
We’re only recreational players and there isn’t any need to embarrass some one we may see/play often.

Hmmmm … apparently the pros feel the same way: Reto Schmidli, the guy who double bageled Roger Federer when he was 10 felt he should have done differently.

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The second widowhood

Update: on Jan 3, 2011 Golfer scored a hat trick .. .. 3 goals in a game, becoming the most improved player out there.

0 DSCN6479Forgot how long I’ve been a golf widow. Getting used to it by now. Will I be ok with another widowhood? Too late, it’s unavoidable: ice hockey widow. Since Golfer started his quest back in the winter, I’ve been getting deliveries of huge boxes on daily basis. Many of them dwarfed me into midget. The former maid’s room is piled to the ceiling with ice hockey stuff. It used to store wine now I have dig deep to retrieve a bottle.
Not complaining but stating the fact and my plight.
It takes a long while to be ready: all those stuff need time to be put on. Think about it, man on skate travels fast and so does the little puck. You’d better have something that could block a shot ..
And it takes a long long while to take them off. And the time in the locker room was precious. Boys enjoy it very much. Perhaps beats out the drink after the 18th hole. The next shift crowd came and many had to do changing in the open: guess the locker room is too full with the departing crowd who had no desire to leave any time soon.
The Stanley Cup (French: La Coupe Stanley) is going on at the moment, so the fans are all acting up, excited and crazy.
DSCN6618The first layer of defense.
After winning the championship and trying to pretend to be a supportive wife, I went to his ice hockey game last Monday, at Syosset where the New York Islanders trains. Upon entrance, there is the artist’s rendering of future Nassau Coliseum that Charles B. Wang (王嘉廉 Wang Jialian) had envisioned since 2003, long time ago. There are lots going on regarding this development, to a point that Mr. Wang is considering move away. I haven’t been to Coliseum for a number of years because it felt yucky and depressing, like old Euorpa that every where you turn you see dilapidated corner, a beauty in her 80s and barely holding on. It’s just too brutal.
What’s stopping the county to grant Mr. Wang’s wish? The Lighthouse Project‘s already nixed..
The rink is in a decent condition, could be better but it’s ok. The large rink was being used by kids and the big men are using the side rink. I thought Golfer’s game bag is huge, which I dab it as body bag. Really, it can fit me probably without being cut into half. But compare to his mates, his is really 小巫见大巫 pale into insignificance by comparison.

Ice hockey is a very graceful and elegant game, still don’t understand why it isn’t as popular as other major league sports. It has speed, force, violence, blood .. beat out basketball when men running around half naked any given day, IMHO.

Golfer and his mates warming up first, then little drill and games. They mostly are middle aged men. It was exciting. One of the guys came out, jokingly asked me if I knew how to skate and should join them .. .. ha ha ha … Couple of the mates are grandpas who couldn’t skate the way the middle aged boys do but boy they could handle the puck. Although I saw no Alex Ovechkin nor Sidney Crosby (hahaha but again none of us are Pete Sampras or Agassi or Roger Federer) – actually both boys are already knocked out of .. so the NHL might need some replacements?

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As we were driving home, Golfer thought out loud enthusiastically that should our home rink offers such program he would have played everyday. I was like, silently, thank lord or whoever lives above that our home rink is geared toward figure staking. A supoortive wife indeed.

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When hotels fly

After votes, my team opted out the official hotel Marriott in Albany that cost $114 per night (with discount) the league has designed and went with We got Hilton that’s 1.3 miles away instead, cost $56.
“Does breakfast included?”
No, it’s an extra $11.95.
“Can we have 3 king-bed rooms and 3 double-bed rooms?”
We can’t guarantee.
“Can we be next to each other or close by?”
We can’t guarantee.
The operator reminded me twice that I booked thro hotwire, as if it’s dirtywire.
So what’s the heck can you guarantee? Do you at least guarantee a bed?
There are only two kinds of rooms: king bed and double beds.
She said if they’re sold out .. BUT you aren’t sold out now right? Otherwise why would you ended up on dirtywire for me to book?
Here is an article about hotel cutting corners. I’m sure if hotels fly, they sure would do what airlines are doing. But before you learn to fly, you’ve got to learn how to walk. If you aren’t happy with dirtywire, then don’t put your property on its site.

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.. Then We Take Brooklyn

First we took Manhattan, then we took Berlin Brooklyn.

During a chat with Yishi few weeks ago I casually asked about weekends now, if they have two days, 1.5 day or 1 day in China, Yishi replied: one to two days in China now, depending on the sectors; then went on to say that the Europeans and Americans commented that ..

“Chinese are greedy.” when they saw how hard and long my fellow comrades work in China.

Well, I understand the accusation well:

One, without unions, the workers have to work harder. It’s glass half full or empty. (China should have unions while USA should get ride of it.. let’s not going there .. )

Two, coming from being poor and bullied for so long, Chinese nowadays are just began to taste how money could be earned and enjoyed, legally or illegally.

DSCN6393I joked to the coordinator for being cheap, tore the page into half? She retorted:

“We’re nonprofit.”

In fact, they would tap the two tore pages back together after the captains hand in the lineups .. oh well, what do I know.

When we began the season after forming the team at the last second, none of us had thought we would get this far. Actually most of us have no idea – at least me – as where we would go and what to achieve except play little tennis in the dead winter. But as winning piled in we grew greedy. When I suffered the first defeat after three shutout battles I felt miserable as if the sky had fall down.

One becomes grrreeeedy only when he sees the potential and opportunity.

my lineup artistAs it turned out, we’ve a perfect season – and it is extending. As we were giddily prepare for the first level playoffs, the league served us two complains that rendered most strong 4.0 guys unable to compete since three girls got bumped up from 3.0 to 3.5. It was just few days shy of the playoffs. It felt unjustified.

Few comrades said .. forget it .. But most of us were fueled by the late development and fought back hard. And won.

Even with the limited resources – most 4.0 boys are handicapped due to no girls.

It’s the same drive that we shared as we faced the regional championship.

We tasted the success and we wanted more.

a German sausage It’s me, a German sausage or Michel tires? It’s recession, okay?


Sean and I have only played once and practiced few times in the past. We went to NTC early hoping to practice bit more on an open court but was being kicked out by our opposing team since they said they paid for it, from 2:30 to 3:30. Not sure it’s coincidence or what for there are 18 courts. We did get to play a little on indoor court 12. As we were waiting by Court 13, Paul began to hit against the wall to warm up. We all shouted .. stop !! .. because that’s the Wall of Doom or Defeat where the Blue Jersey also hit against yesterday .. who lost to Wai/Mary in a tight match. Paul ignored us and continued his warm up routine.

I walked onto Court 17, thinking it’s a gorgeous day and let’s just play. That’s my plan A and B and C. Our opponents (great people – firm hand shake ..) won the spinning and opted to serve. Rafael was up 40:0 but we stayed relaxed and I was Karen and Rafaelfocused so we took the first game. I remembered Wah said that ‘there’s plenty time to prepare for a shot .. ‘ .. this finally sank in to my mind. I’m still trying to do .. like getting ready .. staying focused .. keeping my racket up, not glued to the ground, etc. I need a new Pentium 10.0 chip insert into my brain to remember all of those little big things, 🙂

Sean lost his serve but we broke Karen’s. I then double faulted .. wonderful way to start serving. Two more errors I found myself 0:40. Didn’t remember what we did for the next five points but we won the game. My concentration helped; kept telling myself .. don’t go for winners, just cut down those unforced errors.

This is the wisdom for 3.0 and 3.5. Really.

Our last outing, we had 4:1 lead but ended up losing the match 4 and 1.

Kai .. Hope it’s not going to happened again ..

It didn’t, thank lord. We took the match at 2 and 2. Don’t ask me how we did it bec I don’t know, don’t remember .. had no clue.

Paul and Mary’s court finished second. Having hit against the Wall of Defeat, they lost a closely contested match, 6:4 and 7:6.

For the playoffs, we won them all by a hair margin, two out of three courts. So again, the last court to finish decided the out come. Kai and Anna had won their first set at 3 but struggled in the second and lost it in tie break by fair large margin.

We were scratched our heads asking why did we have to ride the roller-coaster all the time?

Their opponents were tough: she’s solid and experience and he’s extremely athletic, cover the baseline corner to corner without breaking a sweat.

DSCN6409The super tie break ensured.

Anna is the only member who lives across the river, far from us, and plays two leagues in two states; 8.0 in her own home town state. As with Susan, they consistently taking drill classes and lessons and still join us for practice. If you think I’m a big bum, you haven’t seen anything yet. I haven’t taken lessons for a couple of years. After playing in the league, I do find myself improved a bit. Not sure what, but improved so the league rushed out to crown me the 3.5. I’m utterly flattered.

4.0 in the horizon?

Irene, get real, will you? I’m hearing Simon’s sarcastic laughs ..

See, that’s my problem, 得寸进尺 give me an inch and I’ll take an ell.

Whatever .. never mind, let’s just move on..

So, the super tie break .. not much drama .. they won it relatively easy.

So, we’re heading to Schenectady in June.

Duke .. DSCN6429

Deborah-Rose Andrews, our Metro local league Coordinator with Duke. The bar tender Sean, a very versatile comrade on my team.


DSCN6436 xx DSCN6442

Cheers .. under the shadow of Arthur Ashe Stadium ..

Bill won’t go due to family issue. Our prayer and best wishes Captain!! However he said that we’re allowed to consult with the lineup wizard, but has to be before her bed time at 9pm thou.

After the match, I went to thank Deb-Rose, really meant it. It’s a hard (tedious) and perhaps thankless job. I wasn’t happy when she served me two belated complains – similar feeling when I received speeding ticket: you get hit from time to time. Hopefully my team didn’t cause her too much problem or headache, for .. we only have 24 hours each day and I wish we could all spend them wisely, meaningfully and productively.

No B.S. please.





This is the ending of one of Mao’s poems – my favored. Is this picture 稍逊风骚 or 风骚过剩?

DSCN6430 As we were drinking, the crews asked how the team was formed. I said Bill started.

Bill replied,

“I told you NO.”

Ok. Then must be Paul.

“I said NO.” Paul reminded me.

Ok, then .. I pointed to Irene Lum

“You did.”

She laughed,

“You ASKED me to join, don’t you remember?”

I did? Maybe they’re right for once, because my knees are still swollen from begging.

Whatever .. .. we’re here, still kicking. And the fact that all my kids are still talkin to me ..


I touched base with my LI cap .. also asked her if we could move to LI taking advantage of the year end rating should more members get bumped up ..

She shut back immediately:

Just enjoy it..

It further proves that Chinese are indeed hard working crazy tribe who not only greedy but also don’t know when and how to enjoy life.


#1 Doubles 4-6, 6-7
#2 Doubles 6-2, 6-2
#3 Doubles 6-3, 6-7, 1-0

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First We Take Manhattan ..

1964 New York World's Fair, May 15, 2010View from US Tennis Center of 1964 New York World’s Fair; May 15, 2010

I last heard First We Take Manhattan phrase was from the Polgar sisters when they were playing a tourney in the city.

My USTA league team’s fairytale-like story line is getting extended despite the belated complains that prohibited half of the teammates to compete – yes, the perfect season is still going strong.

Toward end of the regular season, at least one experienced captain has predicted doubtlessly that ‘ … Manhattan will take it all …’, meaning Manhattan will win the USTA/Eastern Metro Regional Championship.  Because they have 6 players who are playing below their USTA rating: two 4.5 male playing as 4.0 and four 3.5 playing as 3.0.  As a side note: I also learned, after all the dust has settled, that Manhattan team was so confident that they even booked hotels before the final was being played.  .. And after more dust had settled, I found out a charge on my credit card: I forgot to cancel a hotel reservation after we used Hotwire to book for our trip. Oh well, consider it the tuition paid.

gathering cloudWe gathered by the desk, listened for the brief instructions as how to play and behave 🙂 The Manhattan team has advantage.

We lost our appeals that were filed after our 7.0 Mixed Adults Flight Playoff (bumping four 3.0s to 3.5 – myself included; leaving only one 3.0 girl on the team with six seasoned 4.0 boys ..), hence we have to do with limited resources as we did in the division and regional’s playoffs – rallying heavily on four Marquis players.

It was a very sunny and windy day for our Metro playoffs, crispy blue sky dotted with white clouds. At 3:30, each team handed in their lineups and by 4pm, the league coordinator Deb-Rose Andrews went over briefly about the rules and called players to court. During regular season, captains exchange lineups five minutes prior to the start of the match, which leaves a bit time to coach IF you knew the opposing players. During the playoffs, you won’t know your opponents till the match time. So it’s surprise, which made the match more exciting.

getting readyWai and his partner are getting ready for their match.
Players immediately left for their courts and start 10 minutes warm up. Officials measured the nets and issued 5 minutes and 2 minutes warnings respectively. As it turned out, both teams were evenly matches in their peeking order – unfortunate for us, because we had hoped to capture a win by putting First, Third and Second in that order. In the past, many teams would put their strongest in the second to guarantee a court win. As the warm up progressed, we heard that their third double’s lady was running late. Sorry to admit but we were looking at our watches closely. Reportedly the lady is a lioness – a great player who eventually showed 45 minutes late. I wondered how did she face her team? The league coordinator default the match and awarded us a win, without sweat. The male player wasn’t charmed by this decision and argued, and argued, and argued with Deb-Rose loudly, saying she should only default them a set .. until she told him to be quiet other wise she would default the entire team for unsportsmanlike conduct.

The male player asking the coordinator to default them only a set was so absurd because the rule’s so clearly stated. He seemed like 狗急跳墙 cornered dog to me. Perhaps this showed how desperate he was, trying to salvage the match. Human nature? Probably but by being on time could avoid all of these.

DSCN6349She and her boyfriend partner have a perfect season too ..
We sat by Court 13, watching our only 4/3 combo playing a boy/girl friend team that had never lost in the season. I’ve heard about the guy from my teammate who had played him before.
“He’s solid 4.5 if not a 5.0 player, hard hitting and precise.”
Hit to the girl. It’s the rule of thumb.
“No, he controls the court so well, you just don’t get that opportunity.”
Indeed, he hits the ball so low and hard, it travels so fast that some times I couldn’t tell it’s in or out and frequently miss it altogether.
On his first or second serve – they elected to serve first – Mary called out. They both approached the net and questioned the call. He was about to go back to serve again but his partner won’t let go. She pressed Wai for confirmation.
Wai shrugged: “I didn’t see.”
She said to Mary, “Ooh, he said he didn’t know so it our point.”
What? Putting word in people’s mouth? How assertive .. .. but I liked her little tattoo!
cheering sectionCheering section from the other side of the East River
Queen Mary simply raised her right hand ..
“I called it out.”
[My advice: don’t mess with my girls, especially QM .. it just makes her to be stronger and nastier ..]
The girl worn a low cut top who reminded me of this puny cute ball girl, so Mary kept reminding Wai to concentrate on the game in Cantonese. Throughout the match they jokes about it and other harmless stuff. Wai got passed left and right, from the LC. Oh lord .. the surplus from the defaulted court is vanishing fast.
When the LC was serving at 2:4, we felt pretty good: break her and take a 5:2 comfortable lead. Guess some one lost his concentration again, no? The first set ended up to a tie break.
More concentration was lost, and our pair found themselves deep in a hole: 0:6. It’s a regular tie break, best of 7 by 2 points wins the set. Wondering if anyone had captured our facial expressions at that juncture?!

Kodak Moment, anyone?

Then 咸鱼翻身 (起死回生) back to life

Miracle or destiny, point by point our pair fought back. Some hard and some were given on a silver plate – unforced error by the opponents. It was nail biting and heart wrenching 6 points because every one of it had the potential to be the set point against us.
Mary and Wai won by 8:6 or 9:7. I couldn’t remember.

thanks to wai for not telling me what the score was during the tiebreaker on the first set, i would have been nervous.

Sean is the only a professional trainer/ ball boy/bartender and tennis playerSean is only a professional trainer/ball boy/bartender/tennis player/golfer and does law as his side job.. ..
Second set began.
There were close calls and there was a clear in but called out by the blue jersey that resulted winning that first game. Despite those patchy moments the match was fluid. Ok, except one moment when the BJ hit a shot so low and mean to Wai that caused Bill yelling out:
“He isn’t a father yet!”
.. Then moment later our QM got a cramp, had to stop in the middle of the game. The girl in Low Cut said sarcastically,
“Is this a circus or what?”
She and her BJ partner went to their bench and sat down. Their teammate who’s lady partner came in late resulting default went over started coaching her.
Bill went over, politely shoo him away like a dog. Tennis is really a gentlemen’s game with etiquette. If coaching isn’t allow, which was specifically covered at the briefing, and clearly stated in the rule book, then please don’t do it.
As to the circus question, no, lady, it’s for real and don’t be too mean.
DSCN6378Don’t we all see ourselves in her: brash, brassy, bossy and bally? The privilege of being young.
We handed our Queen the Gator, banana, and even Advil. The official came over questioning her. Not sure no eating allowed or drugs are not allow taken on court? But she took it anyway.
Sorry, no one can tell QM what to do or not to do.
One of my boys dabbed in as trainer, gave her cramping leg a good rub. Told you, my 4.0 boys all become the bench warmers who are operating the massage parlor 24/7 since they couldn’t play.
Game resumed.
Then the Low Cut got cramp.
I kidded you not.
The game resumed soon after she took her time out.
Mary got a foot fault call by the official .. but they managed to broke the LC and Wai began to serve at 5:4.
Wai is type of guy who really could up a notch when facing a steep competition. Which he did. He and Mary played really well. Mary was unyielding when the BJ hit rocket at her at the net with all his might, she simply just blocked it. Although it sent the ball high in the air and ultimately went out, it sent a message that .. don’t try it again.

DSCN6376The BJ – blue jersey .. he’s really good ..
Actually in mixed doubles, the rule of thumb is hit to the girl because we are usually the weakest link. But all the guys I’ve played in this league during the season this far not many I can recall who did it. Yes many had hit at me, but not lethal. Gentleman’s game? Not sure I really appreciated it or not. Ok, the not appreciate part is, I’d like to play really games, not water down ones.
Anyway, our match point came quickly.
By that time, our second doubles had lost 0 and 3. So this point would seal our fate, moving forward.
Just do it, Wai.
Yes, he did, netted.

The surging bubble immediately was deflected. And began to worry Mary’s cramping leg. We all knew Wai didn’t want to end it because of the LC across the net. Mary said so on the court too.
Two more match points were erased and Wai eventually lost the game. Forfeiting match point to be on court with the pretty woman .. .. some camp was really happy. As if Wai read our minds, he raised his hands, .. ..
“My fault, my fault .. ..”
Eventually, we won the next two games. When they shock hand at the net, the LC said in perfect Cantonese to Wai ..
Sorry I don’t kiss and tell ..
Contact me privately if you must know.
#1 Doubles 7-6, 7-5
#2 Doubles 0-6, 3-6
#3 Doubles 6-0, 6-0
Yup, we took Manhattan, indeed.

The smiles didn’t come easy

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2010 Mixed Doubles Infomation Packet

2010 Mixed Doubles Section Championships

DATES: June 4-6; Schedule
LOCATION: Central Park, Schenectady, NY

SURFACE: Outdoor, Hard Courts
BALLS: Penn extra duty

ENTRY FEE: $125 per team.

AWARDS: 1st & 2nd place.


Albany Marriott
189 Wolf Road
Albany, NY 12205
(518) 458-8444 or (800) 443-8952
$114 (single or double)
Mention USTA Eastern Section when making your reservation.
Rooms are being held until May 26, 2010.
2010 Mixed Info Packet

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5/15 or 5/22?

Mistakes are everywhere. My teammates began asking me if the playoffs are on 5/15 or 22: one part of the web page says 5/22 and inside it has the correct date.
P.S. they never bothered to change. After the playoffs dates have passed, it remains 5/22. Cute.

5/22 usta

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