Archive for May 9, 2011


I haven’t played singles in a long time – don’t remember how long, except one last summer vs Anne. Today I just played, losing 6-4 (or 7-5?) against a soon to be teammates on the 3.5 Women this summer. I was up 3-1 then serving at 3-4, and lost that game too. I was up 0:30 on her serve at served then 30:0 on the following game but wasn’t able to convert/hold. I served well but wasn’t mentally tough. Uhhhhh, my grunting was disgusting.
I have no plan when I walked out there – not gooda!.


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The Rating Promotion

Kai wanted to play at the South. It’s been a while that I played there. At 8am, I found a huge crowd there, all upper courts are being taken. One lone woman stood on the court, as if to say the court is taken ..

I live the closest but when I got there, the 3some were already there. The courts at South are more spacious. We had the company of baseballers. I played pretty good, Kai and I took all 3 sets.

Maybe he is a 4.0?

History repeats itself. 4/23 I got a Rating Promotion notice for Kai, and the Local Playoffs were on April 30.

Your match results have generated 3 ratings at the disqualification level for 3.5 level matches and you are no longer eligible to play at the 3.5 level. According to the Web site (TennisLink), you played 1 match on the 3.5 Holz team and 3 matches on the 4.0 Samuel team. The matches generating the strikes are those played on 4/5, 4/14 and 4/21. You are promoted to 4.0 and your rating will be changed immediately. You may continue to play on your 4.0 men’s team, and on your mixed doubles teams but you must be paired with a 3.0 partner on the 7.0 mixed team.

How did Kai’s rating catch the league’s attention?

There is a computer generated report I review daily. No complaints – strictly computer

On average, how many players get promoted or demoted daily?

I got no reply.

Kai played 3.5 mixed doubles in 2010 and got a year end rating M 3.5. Now he’s D4.0, which means IF he plays well, he could be promoted to 4.5 or even 5.0.

Key to Type of Rating
S – Self-rate or Medical Appeal
A – Appeal
B – Benchmark – advanced to playoff or championship round
C – Computer
D – Dynamic
E – Early Start League dynamic
M – Mixed Exclusive Year-end Rating
T – Tournament Exclusive Year End Rating

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