Tuesday night July 3 match at Cunningham Park was pretty sweet: 5-0. However, our opponent forfeited two courts – their Manhattan league’s match is on the same day. We probably could have won the S2 and D3 should we played. It’s kind of sad when you cancel a court due to availability. On this, I’ll have to praise my girls who are always there for the team. Win is somewhat easy but winning is hard because you need to put in efforts that are tedious: week in and week out be available, be on time, foot work, etc. then can you fire that lethal shot.
Jenn and I played well. I enjoyed our opponents who are chatty and nice. However, we had one questionable call: Jenn called a serve out but the server didn’t hear and continued. The net person heard but didn’t stop till they lost the point. I heard Jenn’s call but played because the ball came to me very seriously. My return result a win. The net player contested. So we said “ok, second serve then.” But she faulted. They tried to argue that they should have had two serves. We stood our ground: it’s our call, and Jenn did call it out. So it’s a second serve. Not sure we did it right.
The five courts at the back at Cunningham Park were empty by 9pm. Our opponents King and Queen had cheering squad who was nice enough also cheered for us on a few good shots, thanks!
We finished before 10pm. There were Koreans taking lesson on the court in the middle section.