Archive for February, 2014

The golden girl Jamie Anderson does yoga, too

Gold medalist snowboarder Jamie Anderson finds balance with yoga. In this video, she does kind of basic posts, which is to my delight.

Screenshot 2014-02-16 13.49.56

After more than a year, I am happy (kind of .. could have done better than this ..) to report that I finally am able to accomplish half push up: can go down but can’t get back up.
Another clear improvement is, I am able to distinguish yoga from Pilate. I made enough progress to touch my butt without a major surgery to follow. One discovery, however, is the Caucasians have advantage over the Asians in posts that involve limbs, simply because theirs are just longer than us by race genetic. Of course this could relief me of not trying hard.
One of posts that come easy to me is the Garland Pose, which is squatting. Did they just copy this from us? I can’t believe they use this pose, to my delight. This proves that never give up. If you keep at it long enough, a short cut eventually opens up for you.
This nude yogi on Nerve has more complicated posts. Here is more.

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Charge the net

I spotted a cell phone charger at NTC. Isn’t it late to the game?
I’ve seen it in Beijing when I went to visit in 2011.
Guess better late than never?

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A double V Day

It’s been snowing a lot lately, and the snow on the ground has been staying put. However, today, Valentine’s Day and 元宵节, weather turned nice, well over 40 degrees that I enjoyed reading with a cup of latte out door. So so nice!


The water temperature at pool at the club is wonderful too – 76 degrees (24) – being fixed for leak. Guess it’s a fresh water and they won’t keep it this low, unfortunately. (Update: the pool was closed. The following date, 2/15, the temperature rose to 82 and is open.)

The moon, taken with iPad.


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Nadal is still hurt

Rafael Nadal talked to COPE Radio in Barcelona on Monday, and says that while he is in good spirits, he is taking his loss in the Australian Open final a little bit harder than most.
“The soul is good,” Nadal said. “It wouldn’t be right to say I was not well after all the things this life has given me. I am a person that takes losses very well, I always have been, and I really do not think about them anymore after a few hours. This time it’s taking me a little more.”
Nadal, who tweaked his back in the second set of the Australian Open final and went on to lose to Stan Wawrinka in four sets, says the experience of suffering an injury in such a crucial match was a horrible one for him.
“I knew I had no chance of winning, but I had no intention of retiring. It was the worst hour and a half that I have spent on a tennis court,” Nadal told Spanish radio on Monday. Nadal, who was in Barcelona to be honored at the Mundo Deportivo Gala on Monday, says that he is unsure if he will be ready in time to participate in next week’s Copa Claro in Buenos Aires, Argentina. “I am fine,” Nadal said.
“I underwent another examination today and I have continued the same treatment since I returned from Melbourne. I have not yet hit the court or done any exercise, I have been resting and have tried to do the right rehabilitation so I can get back on court as soon as possible, and my goal is to do it on Thursday.” Nadal added that he will need to see how his recovery progresses on Thursday and Friday before deciding whether or not to make the trip to Argentina.

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List of yoga poses

According to Love my Yoga, there are nine types of yoga, most of them are easily done:

  1. Standing Yoga Poses (all;
  2. Stabilizing Yoga Poses
  3. Hip Opener Yoga Poses
  4. Twist Yoga Poses (here)
  5. Back Bend Yoga Poses
  6. Lateral Bend Yoga Poses
  7. Forward Bend Yoga Poses
  8. Balance Yoga Poses
  9. Inversion Yoga Poses

Here are few poses:


Milestones to come:

  1. Firefly Pose
  2. headstand
  3. full bridge/Wheel Pose (see)

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Not sure this is really from Li Na


看到你谈到的关于我的新闻,我很失望。我崩溃?什么叫崩溃?如今大桥垮塌叫侧滑,收入下降叫负增长,我的失败叫崩溃? 网络编辑就差点把标题取成李娜失败源于缺调少教?对我的非难,从奥运会开始一直到现在。 孙晋芳阿姨,我想问您:如果我的失败叫崩溃,刘翔的那一幕叫什么?国家体育总局提前知道吗?您知道吗?我想请你说句实话,您可以不说。说实话时要记住:如果你说了实话,你的官位会不会崩溃!你能不能承受崩溃? 中国的记者也很无良。李永波的团队至今不为让球事件道歉,体育总局不见处理,我没见几个记者非议。 也许是上峰有令不得非议。这些无良的记者便把一切污水泼向我一个女人身上。

TMD。不要以为我不会说脏话,我只是想有时脏话都形容不了你们的卑鄙与无耻。直到现在。中国的媒体有欺负女人的传统,文革结束,把一切脏水泼向了江青。中国人也有欺负女人的习惯,只不过今天,这些人瞄向了我。我能承受的住,我必须承受的住,你们从来不是一个人在战斗,我从来都是一个人在承受。我从小失去了父亲,遇到难事没人能替我扛,遇到委屈我能向谁说?不到30岁的我经历了全国媒体的口诛笔伐。那份心痛,谁能了解我?但我没有崩溃。有全国网友的支持,有老公姜山的支持,我没有崩溃,我很庆幸,今天的网络媒体,我能看到支持我的人,这些人在新华社的媒体从来找不到。正如,在政府的涨价听证会,你找不到反对涨价的人。 只有姜山才是我的依靠,我只有在姜山怀里才能痛快地哭一场。有人说我不懂得配合体委的领导,我不是不懂得配合,我在体育圈里呆了这么多年,我见了太多的丑恶与不堪。有人说奥动冠军在香港亲民,在内地不亲民。 到底是谁唯利是图?是我吗? 运动员为什么不在内地亲民,因为内地给不了他们钱。这些运动员,在教练和领导眼里,只不过是赚钱,升官的工具而已。这些运动员也习惯了当工具,只有当他们伤痕累累退役的时候,才知道下场多么惨。说实在的,我希望每个中国参加奥运会的运动员都拿一块金牌,否则那些没有拿到金牌的运动员退役后人生太惨,太惨,他们就是药渣。有人批评我,在奥运会出工不出力,这是胡说八道,按你们说我爱钱的逻辑,我肯定要在奥运会拼命打,我胜利了,会有更多的广告找我。我是一个不到30岁的女子,我体会到了60岁的人生,我领教中国媒体那份无耻,什么心情?打个比方,当年刘少奇看到人民日报批他是大工贼的心情。贺龙元帅被红卫兵人殴打时的心情?其实,我不怪这些媒体记者,这些记者很悲哀。我知道,我离开圈养的中国运动员体制,变成散养运动员,我取得的成绩微不足道,但让主持圈养运动员的领导们,心里不舒服,他们之前极力给运动员们灌输:没有我们的举国体制,你们连饭都吃不上。让我们听他们的话,不能有半点不服从,广告都得给他们提成,明明是我们运动员用自己的血养着他们,他们还要我们感谢他们。但我打破了他们的神话,我只是成功了养活了我自己,我的团队,他们便把我视为怪物,明里或暗里,让记者写文章批判我。 TMD,不要以为我不会说脏话,我只是想有时脏话都形容不了你们的卑鄙与无耻。没事,我能承受得住,不管我今天的运动生涯如何,我已向圈养的运动员证明:姐妹们,我们能,我们行。据说皮划艇的教练和官员们喝茅台,却没有钱给运动员买好的装备。 孙晋芳阿姨,你应当管管这些,而不是我的崩溃。另外,还请孙晋芳阿姨,多看一看桑兰,她活得太不容易了,因公负伤后,我们的媒体极尽冷嘲热讽之事,尤其对跨洋官司。你想一想,一个小姑娘从16岁,就要开始在轮椅上的人生,这是多么的残酷!一个小姑娘为了后半生的生活费用,迫不得已打跨国官司,看看中国媒体记者那份无耻。也许只有这些记者被车撞成瘫痪的人,才能理解桑兰的无助。我从此都不再信中国的媒体记者原因。 TMD,不要以为我不会说脏话,我只是想有时脏话都形容不了你们的卑鄙与无耻。

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A death?

Death on the Nile Equinox floor? Heard in the lover room that a guy has just died while in the club. Not sure if he was doing the P90X, or with a trainer? As of now the Club has not informed us of the incident.
When my husband joined he took the evualtion (the club makes new member to attend .. More of a marketing tool than..) and was cornered to buy the trainer package – one on one with a trainer. Afterward he had a second thought but was unable to cancel: in our contract, it states such purchase is final. Ive to admit that neither of us read the fine print of the contract. And I feel the trainer should have disclose this at the time of purchase.

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