I have been frequent the AquaSport classes lately, and got to know the instructors. They are all female and Caucasians except one African-American lady, who loves to have fun. Her enthusiasm is rarely reciprocate. I think the unresponsive crowds is rather stiff. Tonight she screamed about loving her body, herself that she even composed a song. Very cute. Perhaps she could do well elsewhere .. which reminded me of a gigolo working hard at a bridal shower. The crowds was predominately Chinese from China and Taiwan, who were, a little aghast by the young man who stripped down to his speedo. He was young and inexperienced, who just couldn’t get the crowds going. He tried to get the women to interacted with him by taking an eyeglasses off from a woman. He was expecting her to chase for her eyeglasses or at least, interacted with him.
“Oh no, you can keep it.” The woman said to him. She wanted nothing to do with him.
He sighed audibly with the frustration was written all over him, not just his face.
I was bemused. The sister of the bride ought to know the crowds. Those conservative Chinese women gathering in a very average Italian restaurant on Northern Blvd in Queens would not appreciate this kind of entertainment. I felt sorry for both sides.
Anyway, tonight there is a new girl, young who took the largest dumbbell … then exchanged for the medium one. Ha ha ha. I was not the only one to be fooled.