Archive for June, 2015

Another history is made

Mets’ new pitch Steven Matz set a record tonight: 3-for-3 with four RBIs, pitches into eighth inning. They won 7:2 over Cincinnati Reds.

It’s his major league baseball debut, 130+ of his family and friends (he’s from Stony Brook) came to cheer him on, including his grandpa. He looked pretty tight in the first inning: 3 balls then a home run. The camera captured his teammates hanging on the rail watching.

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Radek Martínek

Hubby’s team won 2:0 tonight. As they were drinking in the locker room to wind down, in came a guy… after he put on his gears and the hamlet, did the guys realize he’s Radek Martínek, the retired Czech defenceman. His team has Garth Snow, the Islanders GM. It doesn’t happen in tennis, perhaps ice hockey is a team sport, need five guys to form a team when tennis needs just one.


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18 years old made history @ NHL Draft 2015

Song Andong is the first Chinese ever being drafted by NHL. The draft is still going on in Florida right now. Song is from Beijing, 6’1″ 18 岁. NHL was founded 1917 … here comes the dragon.

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Being drafted only means you have a potential employer. You still have to prove yourself to earn a contract from the team – Islander in Song’s case. Drafting a youngster is to find the diamond in the rough = the team hopes he turns out to be good enough to make the team.

Every major league sport has draft. The location varies. Not too long ago NFL held its draft in New York City at the W Hotel. I happened to be meeting a friend for a drink, unaware of the event. Boy, the lobby was saturated with skinny, well dressed girls looking for action. It was actually pretty fun to watch.

Song’s draft is possibly due to:

  1. He’s good enough to be drafted, even at 172th (6th round)
  2. A good marketing gimmick
  3. Charles Wang the owner of Islanders
  4. all of the above

Regardless, Song is the first Chinese and in doing so, 2.5 million Chinese are watching in China right now.

Unfortunately, Islanders has just moved out of Long Island – this is another long story about Charles Wang – that bureaucracy is everywhere – stay tuned.

He’s the Islanders’ former goal tender for the team and current GM. He’s my hubby’s teammate on the recreational league.

Daniel Sprong is talented but plays selfishly, being drafted in the second round. Song’s draft is listed on the right at #11.

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The parking lot

The club decided to renovate the lot But I think they need this: Two parking slots into 15 in five days. The many holes in 2013.
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PJ on center court

Can’t resist to post my beautiful avocado. Wondering if Stan Wawrinka has someone to advise him on what to wear -:). Omg please don’t abuse my eyes. I like Stan because he’s quiet and plays with single hand backhand. But … His countrryman Federer, on the other hand, is always nicely dressed, as if going to work on Wall Street, ha ha ha..

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吃饱喝足👀法🎾 这么漂亮的油果不晒对不起它 [偷笑] 2 进了决赛. 挺喜欢他的:安静,单反 …. 但是俺想说 请不要虐待我的眼睛 👀 行吗?睡衣都该选套像样的吧?看看小费,永远都是官仔骨骨的好像要去华尔街上班是的 [强] ….. 其实我是讲给自己听的 [晕] 不能天天穿儿女老公的👔 像个叫花子 [奋斗]

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