Archive for August, 2015


The state park is huge.
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My drink

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Justin Brown outplayed Nadal

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I killed a mosquito

Lost 2 sets and won the next two.

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🎾 赢2局输2局. 🏊 游了200米:52秒50米,脚翻身和👋是不同 [偷笑] 好吃好喝就行了。俺打死的蚊子 💪💪🎈

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Grass courts

Huntington Crescent Club
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Played well today, won 6-1 and 6-2 and lost 6-4. My smoothly looked like chicken blood – which in
Chinese means

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Foursome girls

What’s happened to the four golden girls?
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今早看到她们 令俺想起很多年前另外四个可爱的女生,大约有 七十多岁了吧?一边打一边吵+讽刺. 她们都不怎么跑 (也许是七八十还能打🎾 的原因吧 [调皮])想念她们,后浪推前浪[偷笑]. 农夫搭档说这是紫色🍅. 忍不住切开👀 紫[疑问]. 会撒上点白糖 [偷笑] 回忆儿时北京的夏天 [拥抱][太阳]

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Lumbers came, for the dock, finally. Lost 5 and 3, -:(

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A set of warm up

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