Archive for November, 2015

4 sets

Not a good day for me. Lost all. My thighs are painful from the gym – taking Jen’s class. OMG. I need to walk down stairs backward.

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Steffi Graf

The current issue of Tennis magazine (the heroes issue) has this picture of her at much younger age. It looks similar to the top in my drawer – shows that I keep junks.

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Letter to My Younger Self

Brian Trottier

Kid, I’m from the future. I’m you, 50 years from now. You’re looking at me like, “You? The guy with the mustache and all the scars? What the heck happened to me?”

Well …

The disco era. That will inspire the mustache.
18 seasons in the NHL. That will give you the scars.
Now I know you’re thinking — that’s impossible. There’s no way. You’re 10 years old, and you just watched Jean Beliveau lift the Stanley Cup on Hockey Night in Canada on your black and white TV in 1966. It seemed like the broadcast was coming from the moon. It didn’t seem real. You tell your parents you want to be Jean Beliveau, but it’s like you’re saying you want to be Superman.

And you — you’re just kid on a farm in Saskatchewan in the ’60s. Life is so simple. There’s precisely one TV channel. You’ve never even seen a “hockey card.” There’s an actual siren that goes off at 9 p.m. in your tiny town that warns all the kids to go home.

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A warm autumn day @ Kissena Park

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My first yoga workshop

Adam Dobbs has it at Samudra @ Garden City. Inquire to register for the workshop, they wrote back a long long two paragraphs email, basically saying, “you need to pay for us to hold a space for you”.
I paid.
When I got there, a woman asked if I’ve paid.
So… not everyone pre-pay for the workshop?
Adam used to teach at Equinox on Friday mornings but no more, to the dismal of many club members, myself included. We protested to the management, so far to no avail.
The two hour (or 2.5 hr?) long workshop was good but I failed to do the inversion – the reason I signed up.
At the end, a lady asked us to take a group picture with Dobbs. It’s never sent and no reply from the studio. I had to ask Adam for it. Sure it’s not what we paid for but responding to a customer seems normal to me for a business, if you intend to stay long.

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The fall back job

It’s only prudent that you’ve a second skill to fall back on, should the current one doesn’t pan out. Okay, lost two sets, even it’s 2 on 1; and the second set was played on the same lines – aka no handicap. Boohooo,

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Will Mets win tonight?

Will, tonight is the night, either go stay home or fight on, go to Kansa City for game 6th, and possible 7th. I made the Kobe beef, hopefully it would help the Mets -:).

人都贪得无厌: 纽约的棒球队⚾️之一,季初马马虎虎,没什么人去看 … 突然间下半季成了灰姑娘的故事,天天赢,赢得我们都不知道🌞是该升多高了. 当然我们的期望也随之增高:进东部决赛 (3-2);进连赛 (4-0). 今晚是决赛 ,谁先赢4就是🏆 我们目前是1-3 [闭嘴]. 这个纽约队最后一次赢决赛是1986,俺的印象深刻 – 俺被笑声,🚗鸣笛声,酒瓶声吵醒,以为第三次世界大战爆发了[偷笑][偷笑]. 希望他们赢今晚,赢余下的二个,打破🏆干旱 [偷笑]. 虽然咱不喜欢⚾️ – 太慢了,不过… 不知道神户牛肉有没有神护功能 [偷笑] 💪💪 纽约赢,至少咱们的肚子赢了 😉😉

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A group … mix and match. I haven’t played here for a couple of years.

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Won 2 sets

With unfinished two sets, 4:4 and 5:3.

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