Archive for September 4, 2018

Marcelo Melo

Men’s doubles at the Grandstand on Day 9 at the Open. After sitting down I moved to another section bed there is this woman non stop calling “Marcelo”. It’s very annoying.

Now sitting at an angle, I could see her well. Is this a woman in love, or what? She doesn’t look like his mother.



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Boys Cannon Kingsley

2018 US Open, the juniors come out in the 2nd week. Kingsley is from Long Island, won in three sets (in action), after a heat suspension.

Juniors tennis are full of errors, which make me think more and are more relatable. X Wang

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Women’s doubles @ Louis

The second week at the US Open. Visibly quieter but just as hot, that some juniors’ matches are suspended due to the heat. The major leaguers are playing as usual.


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Wang Xiyu 王曦雨

The teen from Hangzhou has won the junior girls’ title @ US Open. I watched her doubles match on Tuesday and wasn’t impressed, probably I’m not used to watch juniors, got spoiled by the pro circuits. During the match, both girls went to their coaches.






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