The first game under the sun. The out door always feels so much nicer than in door! I played so well, with a new partner, Christ who runs! A guy in the next court says, ‘…wish I’ve your legs.’ Oh well.
I shopped at the Chinese grocery store. All is normal. This brand of noodle, Kyoto Ramen is NOT my fave – too much baking soda, perhaps.
🎾 6-4, 6-2, 4-6 🎾 [得意]
远远的 一哥们儿隔着场地跟我打招呼
“你好” 之后我问搭档 “他是谁?”
“老蔡呀” 搭档惊讶于我不记得旧搭档
矮油 俺的眼睛已经退化到了这个地步
隔壁的哥们儿 说
“你看不见我们 为什么看得见🎾 呀?”
是呀 … 有理喔 …
“🎾长得都一样 …” 强词夺理一番
大家打的都好 [强]