Archive for January, 2021


Having too much on my mind, I played poorly: 2-6, 4-6, 0-6, 6-1 in a doubles game.

I picked up my racket for restrung, $32.58. Don’t know what kind of string and don’t know the tension. The only choice I made was between white or black color of string. I chose white. End of report, lol.

Monday, I hit for an hour with the blue racket. It felt heavy, than the reddish one.

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A missing card

We found a couple who plays bridge and merrily we played.

After a few hands, a wired thing happened: a card ♣️8 is missing. And high and low, we can’t find it. Oh well!!!

We two played a Gin, and then Gin rummy (wiki) during the down time. I like it.

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Broken string 断弦

Another one hour hard hitting session, and my string was broken. Unlike many players, my string lasts forever. Some players like to have their racket restrung annually. I always re-string when it busted.

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2-6, 7-5, 5-5

A good doubles game, I played with all three. Didn’t like the music tho. $20 a hour for the court.

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One hour of hitting

The little girl is 7 years old. Apparently, she was there since 7 o’clock in the morning.

Keeping up an intense hour of hard hitting with a 50 years old opponent, is exhilarating yet taxing. Coming out of the club, seeing a sunny, windless 43° day is another joy of this Monday.

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4-6 and 5 sets pickle ball

We did a slightly better tennis than last time. Five sets of pickle ball 4-1.

A lady who’s regular at the pickle ball game played a set of tennis. She hardly knows how to play …

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9-8, 9-6, 9-4

Only hit for a few minutes of tennis, most time I played pickle ball, with three different partners. Learnt to call out the scores … lol, feeling very accomplished.

Here is top 10 shots of pickle ball from 2020: pretty cool!

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oh the coach …

A hard hitting morning, what a way to start the week! Two courts, two sets of singles, 8-9.

J said one of the coaches at the club has covid-19. Hope all is well with the coach and a speedy recovery.

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0-6, 2-6, 1-6

Three big nuts plus this little nut, played outdoor tennis, under 37° and 10 mph wind weather. It was pretty brutal but we managed. AND we weren’t alone.

室内娃们嫌俺黑 … 正在琢磨要不然去融资购买雪花膏?
Look we’re not the only nuts … 🧺 还有人在野餐 … 昏菜

It’s only eight minutes apart,

Jan 9 @ 2:57pm

Crocheron Jan 2, 3:05pm

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I haven’t been to Christopher Morley Park for tennis for a few years.

It still looks the same. $40 per court per hour 7-9pm on a Friday night. One of the opponents was dragging her time … no one likes to lose but come on…

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