Archive for February, 2021

Green bean cake

Morning dew, blue skies and soft green bean cake made from scratch 😋

晨露 蓝天 绿豆糕

软绵绵的 可口可胃

🌴 春天来了 🌳

Hit for about half an hour, my opponent’s wrist was in pain that we have to stop.

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Gosh… what a day – I’m a such sour loser. Two court from us, is a burly man with a booming voice, feeding balls to a long legged young woman. Can’t he keep his voice low? Guess not. Endure the two hours. My court, our opponents are beating us … but one of them keeps asking for coaching. What the hell: you’re winning, shouldn’t you be doing what you’re have been doing? It’s just so annoying! What’s more? They’re beating us yet, one of them doesn’t know the most basic etiquette: take a drink whenever – as it happened, always on even games – just incredulous.

Then after getting into the car, the news of Tiger Woods is injured in a car crash made the day darker. Gosh … they say his professional career might end right there. Seeing him play, up close, in 2009. A speedy recovery, Tiger. The golf feels boring without you!

🎾 0-4 [捂脸] 🎾 惨败
然后听到 Tiger 🐯 车祸 … 职业生涯可能就此结束
都啥事儿 … 可能出门前没有查黄历 [捂脸]

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Cotton Socks

My last batch of socks (top pair) are about to run out. So I shopped around for replacement. My only requirement is, cotton. I thought it would be easy. But, unfortunately it is not.

The two brands I tried, middle row CelerSport with 88% combed cotton and the bottom, Adidas 38% cotton, are not too satisfied: I don’t feel the cotton, like my old pair. Maybe the technology has moved on while I am not but both of them feel very slippery – don’t have the astringent of the cotton I knew.

  • Ralph Lauren, oldies I think 100% no frill cotton: I LOVE them
  • CelerSport $14.95 for six on Amazon
  • Adidas $9.80 for three on TennisWarehouse

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A clinic

I haven’t had any clinic in a long time. Today at the club, the pro worked with four of us. Any input? Not really. He had us, two on two, just some doubles game …

鹅毛大雪 去上🎾课 …

小威 23
费 和G-string各20
Joker 18

总共81 … 20年 四人平分了 … 幸好俺没有转职业 [呲牙]


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4-6, 4-6, 6-8

Some terrible line calls. Two kids played next to us were awesome! The snow since Feb 1, looks still very fresh – there were some intermittent snows in between. This is perhaps, the longest snow on the ground.

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6-2, 6-1, 3-5

More snow. I’ve been, kind of complaining about my town’s swiftness in cleaning up the snow – ruins my chance of taking more photos. But today as I was climbing up the little hill in the neighboring town, I wished that they have clean up the snow.

Serena’s cry at her press conference is making headlines. Even Inc is covering it. … Serena played so well lately but … wish she would win one more!!!

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5-7, 2-2

It’s the winter break, courts are hard to come by. We only got an hour for a doubles.

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A triple celebration

A triple celebration: it’s a birthday of one of the players, Valentine’s Day and the third day of the Chinese New Year when we usually eat chive pancakes. Unfortunately, the shop that made the best chive pancake was out of business during the covid-19 pandemic.

Happy Valentine’s Day [玫瑰] 情人节快乐

🎾 1-6, 6-4, 4-6, 2-2 🎾

初三应该吃韭菜盒子 🥟 不过最喜欢的那家因为瘟疫关门了

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Happy year of the ox

6-4, 6-2, 4-4

🎾 6-4, 6-2, 4-4 🎾 向着全勤奔

新年第一天上班 还行 只输了一个40-0 [敲打] 谢谢小搭档

饺子是别人家属切的 🐂 太好吃俺就顺回家了 [偷笑]

谢谢亲们 [红包][福][烟花][Firecracker][庆祝][玫瑰][爱心][拥抱][好的]


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New Year Eve

Good morning!

It’s the lunar new year eve … the year of the Ox is coming. We don’t intend to miss the last day of the year, do we?

The Year of the Ox 🐂 年夜 [红包][福][烟花][Firecracker]

预祝大家新年快乐 健康快乐平安如意

俺今年混到 全勤奖 [偷笑] [笑脸]

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