Archive for June, 2021

Where is the pressure?

“You’re 23, you’re healthy, wealthy, your family is good. Where is the pressure?” Boris Becker hits out at Naomi Osaka over media stance.

In a statement announcing her withdrawal, Osaka made it clear that media interactions had taken a toll on her mental health. The 23-year-old revealed she had been suffering from depression since 2018 and claimed she would get bouts of social anxiety when interacting with the media as she is not a natural English speaker.

She has been living and training in U.S. since age three, “not a natural English speaker” is an outright lie.

“Is that really pressure? Isn’t it pressure when you don’t have food on the table? When you’ve got to feed your family and you don’t have a job? When you have a life-changing injury? Isn’t that more pressure?” Boris Becker said. “You’re 23, you’re healthy, you’re wealthy, your family is good. Where is the f****** pressure?”

Good question. Isn’t mental toughness a part of everyone’s life, if you want to be on top? Her quitting the French Open and Wimbledon, two tournaments that she never advanced beyond 3rd round, perhaps didn’t make as a big news as she and her endorsors had hoped for? Lukewarm to say the best. Another controversy is the hammer thrower Gwen Berry who turned her back to the flag at Olympics trail where she earned a third place, which meant she made the team to Tokyo. But the overwhelming comments on Facebook is, to bar her from representing the country.

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Gears: what to wear?

In sports, gears not only refer to equipments, such as tennis and badminton rackets, baseball bats or, ice skates, bathing suits, tennis …but outfits too, like team jerseys, t-shirts, caps, hats, headbands, etc.

~ Fight strap

What to wear??

… before going to a game can be a torturing decision, especially when you have a ton of that player or team’s gears.

看球赛 🏒️ 穿球衣. 只是件件都不好看. 苦水里泡大的娃和甜水里长大的娃 好像就是不一样 🥲. 胸前那个徽和咱们的补子有的拼: 一品清官? 要不九品芝麻官😉


岛人队的主要股东, Katie Ledecky 🏊‍♂️ 的叔叔Jon 喜欢和粉丝们互动,赛前赛后都会在门口伺候: 合影签名 high five. 俺谢了他说 ‘祝福你和Katie!’ 他好鸡冻喔, 搂着俺 “thank you thank you!” 虽然是她第三个奥运会 觉得她赢🏅️的机会非常大, 问题是几个.

他的卖主 Charles Wang 王嘉廉(1944上海-2018纽约) 刚刚买了岛人队后也被粉丝们媒体追捧,人气旺盛好一阵. 老王也曾经在门口服侍粉丝们:握手. 有时还带着他的小儿子. 只是他可能缺少一点激情还是他木纳的外表吧 有点岔路, 格格不入的感觉.

老王曾经的宏伟蓝图是把岛人球场周围改建 高大上的商业区 酒店, mall, ballpark, etc 成为拿骚县的新中心. 商场和官场不太一样 也可能他的政客体量不够. 长话短说 几经缩水 还是胎死腹中.

岛人球场破破烂烂 需要更新 最后只好搬家. 唉. 在布鲁克林打了几年. 那个球场非常不好 我去了二次就不想再去了. 前天的比赛是在旧址 Nassau Coliseum 会是最后一次了,有些依依不舍. 下一季岛人会返回长岛 但是在另外一个地方新建的球场打. 有些唏嘘 搬来搬去瞎折腾. 老王的蓝图挺好 没有被采用 小原因之一我觉得是种族.

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Katie Ledecky & Janet Evans

Two generations of distance swimmers Janet Evans (1971, 5’3″/1.65m) and Katie Ledecky (1997, 6’/1.83m; niece of Jon Ledecky), both are my idols. Ledecky is tall but Evans is not but she won over the big girls who took drugs, which was some awesome accomplishment. They were all graduated from Stanford, Katie this month.


1⃣️ Katie Ledecky (1997, 1.83米) 2012 伦敦奥运会 15岁 800米赢了她第一奥运金牌
2016 里约热内卢奥运 四个🏅️
到目前为止她赢了34面主要奖牌: 28金 5 银1 铜

2⃣️ Janet Evans (1971, 1.65米) 也是史丹福毕业生. 赢了四面奥运金牌(1988, 1992). 她身材瘦小 但🐂到轻轻松松赢过高头大马+吃药💊打针💉的同行 [偷笑][玫瑰]

有人说看🐟降血压, 看🏊是无聊[偷笑]

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Jon Ledecky, 1958

The owner of the Islanders, Jon’s uncle of Katie Ledecky, the legendary distance swimmer. He bought out Charlies Wang in 2014 and became the majority owner since 2016. Fans love him too.

What to wear to a game is a headache: too many outfits to choose from.


We went to Giants’ play off in 2012 … then they won the Super Bowl. So will 2021 be the year for both of them, especially for Jon – I’ve no doubt that Katie will win more gold.

看球赛 🏒️ 穿球衣 只是件件都不好看. 苦水里泡大的娃和甜水里长大的娃 好像就是不一样 🥲. 胸前那个徽和咱们的补子有的拼: 一品清官? 要不九品芝麻官😉

岛人队的主要股东, Katie Ledecky 🏊‍♂️ 的叔叔Jon 喜欢和粉丝们互动,赛前赛后都会在门口伺候: 合影签名 high five. 俺谢了他后说 ‘祝福你和Katie!’ 他好鸡冻喔, 搂着俺 “thank you thank you!” 虽然是她第三个奥运会 觉得她赢🏅️的机会非常大, 问题是几个.

他的卖主王嘉廉(1944上海-2018纽约) 刚刚买了岛人队后也被粉丝们媒体追捧,人气旺盛好一阵. 老王也曾经在门口服侍粉丝们:握手. 有时还带着他的小儿子. 只是他可能缺少一点激情还是他木纳的外表吧 有点岔路,格格不入的感觉.
老王曾经的宏伟蓝图是把岛人球场周围改建 高大上的商业区 酒店, mall, ballpark, etc 成为拿骚县的新中心. 商场和官场不太一样 也可能他的政客体量不够. 长话短说 几经缩水 还是胎死腹中.
岛人球场破破烂烂 需要更新 最后只好搬家. 唉. 在布鲁克林打了几年. 那个球场非常不好 我去了二次就不想再去了. 这次比赛是在旧址 Nassau Coliseum 会是最后一次了, 有些依依不舍. 下一季岛人会返回长岛 但是在另外一个地方新建的球场打. 有些唏嘘 搬来搬去瞎折腾. 老王的蓝图挺好 没有被采用 小原因之一我觉得是种族.

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Islanders won 3:2 over Lightning

What a game! Happy Father’s Day! We won last night against TampaBay Lightning, the best dad’s day present 🎁.

NHL 2021 playoff, game 4: Tampa vs Islanders. All five goals were scored on our side, which was pure luck. The Nassau Coliseum was rocking throughout the game, never has a quiet moment, yelling, screaming, chanting, cheering, cursing, singing, yes the fans made their own songs for the players. 

We tailgated. Ops Tampa sucks shirts lol…and the farewell to Nassau Coliseum. Jerseys are big business, even the amateurs buy them for their own teams.    


Although rained a little during but it didn’t damp our enthusiasm, the party ranged on till the game time. Not every tailgaters had a ticket. Some went along for a ride and party while others waited for the last second panic sale.

The warm up, the entrance and the national anthem and our three goals and we won.

Islanders’s three goals were scored by #12 Josh Bailey – our favorite, #13 Mathew Brazal then #17 Matt Martin.

Lighting up the Coliseum; the ice chicks in bikini are gone, replaced with cleaners in blue jumpsuits;  



As usual, Jon Ledecky came out to mingle with us. After the game was over, fans didn’t want to leave, continuing their tailgating in the parking lot. 

Tailgating is quintessentially 🇺🇸 and, 🇨🇦.
在队伍赛事或者摇滚乐会前的车尾爬非常流行 – 只要在有停车场的地方 – 城市队如纽约的Rangers, DC 的capitals, etc., 无此景.
好几年前 东岸几个中国留学生搞了个电影节. 俺正好有一个短片 就参加了. 第一轮就被淘汰了. 然后还不停的接到他们的电子邮件📧
“亲们 请删掉我 … 已经出局了“
“哦 您还有一个短片进了呀.”
这才想起来 等待期间 去看了🏈 半决赛 – 后来赢了超级碗. 无意录了一些车尾爬的视频 就拼成第二个短片去参赛. 长话短说 入围但没赢.

这种地方几乎没有中国人. 所以每次俺问能不能照照您 人家永远都是 “当然” 然后站起来 郑重其事的整理一下衣冠… 再然后总问问 要喝点什么 … 😂 最近沸沸腾腾的这恨那恨的有些匪夷所思, 别自己找恨… 冰球🏒️是四个主要职业球赛里唯一一个非常单色 从球员到粉丝. 一直以来都觉得人人都非常友善.

5⃣️ 连续赢了四年 然后干旱至今. 现在进了play off 可想而知粉丝们会多嗨. 比赛结束后 继续🅿️车尾爬 [偷笑] 昨晚的球队是去年的冠军. Go #岛人 [强][跳跳]

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Rudy Giuliani

Rudolph Giuliani is seen here with girls’ basketball team, back in the days.

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FO bad line call: FIRE him!

A horrific, bad line call by a chair umpire at a grand slam! And as of 2022, they’re still refusing to use hawkeye.

~ 2023 Zhang vs Hungarian Toth

Gosh, an idiot chair empire called the winning match point IN when it was two inches OUT, robbing Czech player Barbora Krejčíková her win!!! Thanks lord she held her cool and won eventually. I can’t image if the out come was different. Her opponent the Greek player Maria Sakkari was annoying toward end of the match, challenging every line call when it was clearly  three inches OUT.

What’s wrong with the French when Hawkeye is available?  This French Open is ladened with bad line calls, one after another. In this semi-final match, the idol made at least two wrong calls!!!

Fire him!!!

想象: 你第一次赢大满贯的半决赛 满心欢喜 … 但是你的对手不甘心 说 “俺的🎾没有出界.” 裁判从高脚椅爬下来 左👀右👀 然后曰 “没有出界.” 简直是放p: Hawkeye 重放 🎾落在线外足足有两寸. 有现成精准的方法为什么不用?! 这个混账裁判不应该再用 炒他鱿鱼🦑.

进半决赛 的四个娃都没有赢过大满贯 说她们名不经传 一点都不过分: 平均年龄25.5; 赛场上收入29岁的俄国娃最多$10m 最年轻23岁只有$1m. (39岁的小威$94m – 不要忘记她开始时的奖金没有现在多: 1999年她18岁赢第一个大满贯美国公开赛冠军奖金$750,000 而2020年美网是$3m.)

四娃三个非常安静 第二对打的挺紧张 需要第三局一决胜负. 土耳其娃长的像关公 行动像男人 哇啦哇啦叫的像男人. 她的品行差. 第三局最后不停挑战球线 明明出去一球之多她也敢挑. 讨厌鬼 好开心她输了. [鼓掌]

斯洛文尼亚🇸🇮 妞沉得住气. 赢回本来已经赢的赛事. 新鲜事 日日有 [晕]

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Dad, look, I won!

Look dad I just won! -:)

Björn Borg’s 18 years older son Leo won a junior match on he day exactly 40 years ago his father won his last French Open title. Sweet.

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Stefanos Tsitsipas

Stefanos Tsitsipas beat Daniil Medvedev in straight sets, advanced to semi. Tsitsipas said in the past that Medvedev’s game is boring -:). He has won Monte Carlo, Monaco this April, interestingly, the same tourney his mother had won in 1981, exactly three decades ago, pretty cool. Serena’s coach Patrick Mouratoglou has been busy. For the past few years, he has taking on more players as her career winding down. Tsitsipas is one of them.

🎾腰酸背痛🎾 5am-5pm 朝五晚五

今天12 小时连轴转 结果挺满意
Stefanos Tsitsipas beat the craps out of that gangster looking Russian
西西帕斯 (?) 击败了那个看起来像黑帮的俄罗斯人

西西的妈妈也是打网球 1981年赢了蒙特卡洛赛 (法网热身赛) 今年西西布老妈后尘也赢了 好巧合 恭喜喔 [Party]
最近最忙的就是小威的教练 小威来日方短 所以他几年前就开始收其他学生 西西是其一. 双方都挺合适 祝合作愉快有成果 [Party] 🏆

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Patrick Mouratoglou on change

In the video, Serena’s coach Patrick Mouratoglou says, “Champions are never scared to make changes and bring evolutions to their game. They know that it is the only way to keep being competitive and stay at the top. Tennis should have the same attitude and accept to move its format.”

He’s so right. 10 years ago the average fans’ age was 51 years old. Today is 61 … so it’s like the classical music – no new blood. IF you still think to hang on to your so called tradition, you’ll be dying very soon. Champions reinvent themselves all the time.

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