Archive for June 21, 2021

Katie Ledecky & Janet Evans

Two generations of distance swimmers Janet Evans (1971, 5’3″/1.65m) and Katie Ledecky (1997, 6’/1.83m; niece of Jon Ledecky), both are my idols. Ledecky is tall but Evans is not but she won over the big girls who took drugs, which was some awesome accomplishment. They were all graduated from Stanford, Katie this month.


1⃣️ Katie Ledecky (1997, 1.83米) 2012 伦敦奥运会 15岁 800米赢了她第一奥运金牌
2016 里约热内卢奥运 四个🏅️
到目前为止她赢了34面主要奖牌: 28金 5 银1 铜

2⃣️ Janet Evans (1971, 1.65米) 也是史丹福毕业生. 赢了四面奥运金牌(1988, 1992). 她身材瘦小 但🐂到轻轻松松赢过高头大马+吃药💊打针💉的同行 [偷笑][玫瑰]

有人说看🐟降血压, 看🏊是无聊[偷笑]

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