Archive for April, 2022

Underwater headphones

Google in 2022 ‘does Bluetooth work under water’ I get the following “Bluetooth does not work underwater. In fact, none of the wireless connectivities work under the water. The law of physics prevents it to do so.”

YouthWhisper is the brand I use/used.

2024.5.31 – IPX8 $40 (shows as X7 on my Bluetooth). The quality of these headphones are so so. The bottom one was from 2023.8.27 X6 and it starts to produce noise in April.

2022 : So be aware, how do you intend to use it – open ear wireless bone conduction headset ($89). For someone who walks in the pool, or do breaststrokes with their heads in the air, this device works, continuously.

1. When submerge, the connection is lost – can’t listening to books or news, but music, if you don’t mind the on again and off again.

2. I’m a lap swimmer (free style), breathe every four stokes on my right side. This turns out to be a little blessing because when I breathe, the right side (with the 3 buttons – receiver) surface hence reconnects again, however briefly.

3. The volume is low even I adjust to the fullest. It competes with the open space and other chatting walkers in the pool.

4. When I standing still and put my left (dummy side) into water while the right side remains in the air, the sound quality is ok, shutting out the chatters and the noise from my own strokes… which brings me to think, if the manufacturers design a new device with two dummy earphones, and putting the receiver high above the head/water, maybe this will work for swimmers or when submerge in the water.

5. I can’t do the flip turns now – it will fly off my head. I can’t push too hard off the walls – fly off too. Can’t jump into the pool…

Found my list toy [愉快]


昨天丢的. 想充电时才发现
电话去 回答 “没有”[凋谢]

俺物理不灵光 水是绝缘体 (?)
新鲜期一过 毛病就浮出水面
轻易掉: 不能翻身 也不能太用力推墙
小心翼翼的 慢慢的 … 还游啥泳呢?

今天游完 很开心 虽然不够快. 但能在20分钟 (20:57[捂脸])之内完成1,000 yard 还是开心🥳

心灵鸡汤 难怪运动员们 天天游 日日练的 [偷笑]

临走时 到前台试试运气
还没有问完 金发女伸手拿给俺

是喜是忧 只有俺自己知道 [捂脸]
听书是不行 只能断断续续听🎵

我有一个好主意喔[调皮] I’ve an idea 💡

Below is the list of other swimmers are using in my group:

Open Water
Blue ant

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The Sixth Man, 2019

The Sixth Man (2019) by Andre Iguodala (1984-).

I picked this book randomly, without knowing who he is. His diction keeps me going. Then the stories. He raised many valid points and the writing is good (with Carvell Wallace (1974-).

不知道他是何方神圣 就开始听,也真够大妈的.

这本书和前不久 擅嘴巴/打脸王的自传 Will (2021) 都有一个特点: 严厉的外婆+注重教育的妈. (题外话: 爸爸都去哪儿了?)

很少留意🏀. 迈克尔·乔丹退休后 更是没了任何兴趣. Iguodala的书值得看/听 是他非常明确体系.
大学运动员要不要或者应不应该有收入,一直是个争论点. 他坦坦荡荡的阐述他的观点.
我听完后 看了些书评. 很多人说他的回忆录是关于种族. 不完全同意:也可能他善于隐藏? 比如他说 🎾 ⛳️ ⚾️ 🏒️ 可以随心所欲转职业 但是??🏈就不可以… 但没有中学大学的体育 🏀 他会不会也有今日? A问题好大 留给大人物吧 🤣

Chris Mullin (1963-) 是我们当地的🏀名人. 好像安居乐业在我们隔壁村 🇮🇪人堆. 时不时会撞见他. 一次他坐在我旁边. 大妈刚想问他 他就走开了. 大概是聪明😂

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Association of Tennis Professionals, is the men’s tennis group

WTA wiki, Women’s Tennis Association

  • Grand Slam (4)
  • WTA Finals (1)
  • 1000 Tournaments (9)

ATP Challenger Tour has 175 and 125 series, with 175 and 125 ranking points to the champions respectively. 

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