Archive for June 21, 2023

Swim with both arms

Happy to be able to use my arms in the pool -:)

It rained like crazy in the night. Lightning and thundering during the night. I hesitated whether to swim … But I felt good and was eager to use my arms again. Timing isn’t good tho -:)

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Bridge scoring 得/记分

Bridge‘s score goes by the tricks taken. It has two kinds of points: above the line (in tourneys) and below the line points. The later is earned for fulfilling the bid contract.

For the time being, I only record below the line points.

Each suit 花色 has a scoring value. Getting to 100 points = making a game. Two games = rubber.

~ NT 1st trick 40, 2nd trick+ 30
~ ♠️♥️ 30 pt each – majors
~ ♦️♣️ 20 pt each – minors

Playing NT requires a little skill because there isn’t a trump suit. If a lowly 2♣️ is led and others don’t have ♣️, no matter how high the card is played, the lowest 2♣️ wins the trick.

  • How to score rubber: one of the team to win two games which means 200 points (contract points) that records below the line.
  • winning bid’s points – contract points – record below the line, overtricks are above the line, which doesn’t count toward rubber.

This above hand, I opened with 1N, which is wrong, should be a level 2 opening, like 2♣️.

  1. me NT, pass, my partner 2♥️, pass;
  2. me 3♥️, 3♠️, pass, pass
  3. me 4 ♥️, ppp

We made the game, winning 10 tricks.

More on scoring:

Overtrick points

Slam bonus

  • a slam 12 tricks, earns a bonus of 500 points if not vulnerable and 750 points if vulnerable;
  • a grand slam, all 13 tricks, earns a bonus of 1000 points if not vulnerable and 1500 points if vulnerable.

Penalty points

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