Archive for November 1, 2023

Utility wagon

After a few dives, I realized that I need a wagon to carry the heavy load of my diving gears, especially after the dives – they become extra heavy due to wetness.

Coincidentally, the day I received my wagon from Amazon, I also got IndiGogo email promoting  the next new thing – Lithely: Electric Utility Wagon with Power Bank. It’s with six purchasing options:

  1. $255 (52% off)
  2. $199 (52% off)
  3. $219 (47% off)
  4. $275 (48% off)
  5. $389 (53% off)
  6. $429 (48% off)

Pretty costly (compares to mine) but only loads up to 132 lb. It looks almost identical to the $52 that loads up to 200 lb. When it folds, it doesn’t look compact to me, looks bulkier than mine.

The new new thing has always been in the eyes of beholders.

Charlie Munger says a lot of venture capitalists screw their investors, per Fortune magazine.

It was 2012, I ‘invested’ $250 on a projector that you could use your laptop to display, bypass a conventional projector. It was by a Beijing team. … of course I didn’t receive anything, and never heard from them again. I understand my risk and could be park with $250. I made no noise, till now -:) Vulture capitalists, as one reader wrote.

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