Archive for December 26, 2023

Best suit vs responding

Playing at the club today, I’ve this hand – 11 hcp, 3 3 3 4, responding to my partner’s opening bid of 1 diamond.

The bidding:
R1: p; p (me), p, 1N
R2: p; 2♦️; p; 4♦️, ppp

In fact, I should have bid 1NT or 1♣️, which is my best suit. Essentially, it boils down to my best suit vs response to partner’s bid.

Per Linda: If I have 4-4 diamonds and clubs I will start with clubs. If I start with diamonds it is because I have 4-3 or 5-3. So, knowing that we don’t have an 8 card fit in clubs, why bid them? If I have five of a minor, then I can rebid that suit because you can open with 4 or even three.

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