Archive for February 21, 2024

Overgrip: how hillbilly does tennis

Wednesday’s laugh, really:

So Irene continues her quest to improve her serve, and turned to the coach this morning.
Coach: “let me see how you hold your racket.”
I did. He did some adjustment. Then looked hard at my handle/overgrip.
“Irene, who did this?”
“Myself”, I said proudly.

It’s all wrong. It’s inside out …
… Guess this is how Hillbilly does her tennis lah.

Did I feel something isn’t right? Of course I did.

Did I try to change? Of course I didn’t.

Let’s talk about something else.

Like what?

… tennis … lol

I spent much the hour working on my serve, but I did get a little lesson on forehand: right leg stays behind.

怀疑人生了 … 教练说教俺怎么握拍子 … 然后问 “谁帮你换的?”

俺得意洋洋的说 “自己呀”

教练说 … 弄反了

… 简直怀疑人生

🤣🤣🤣 俺还天天在这儿晒

瞎 吹牛 [捂脸][调皮]

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