Archive for September, 2024

Before Dawn 7:30am tennis

🎬 Before Dawn (2024) 关于一战的故事…

By September, the sun rises after 7am. 7:30 start is cutting close. But I really like early mornings: fresh and quiet. Watching the skies brighten up is wonderful. 为生活 俺也起早贪黑

7-5, 2-6
第一局从0-3, 1-4 追回来的
第二局 还没站稳 就输了

My string is rarely broken: multiple years for a restrung. This time, a neighbor Dave did it – it’s the most beautifully one I’ve had. All for $25 -:) 新线 🧵 所有过的中 数这个最漂亮 (照不出来)

好用吗 – 不知道 [捂脸]

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