Girls’ night in. Having another good hands game, starting from the very first hand – I played five hands, won 4:
Girls’ night in. Having another good hands game, starting from the very first hand – I played five hands, won 4:
Did 840 in 20 minutes 🏊 the air temperature is 56° and the water is 69°. I thought I like water temp 76° the best, but 69° isn’t bad at all. The air 56° is bit low tho.
爽爽 … 不过气温稍微高点会更爽
周末快乐 🥂
SoBe on Miami Beach in Florida.
Our hotel provides bicycles, so we biked the Miami Beachwalk / boardwalk from South Beach to 4925 Collin Avenue, 9 miles round trip. I’d like to go to at least 47, as 47th president Trump is about to inaugurate in a few days, but stopped after 43.
The trail runs 8 miles, on the eastern side of the island, along the Atlantic Ocean, from South Pointe Park to Surfside town limit. Bikers, pedestrians, joggers, pets and strollers share the path.
The head of the bike is very loose: not sure it’s normal. But I managed it, without running down anyone, with all my limbs in original condition -:)
Saturday is a busy day at South Beach on Miami Beach, Florida.
After coffee on our little balcony, we stroll over to the beach and immediately attracted by the activities there:
Some courts are league competition and a few are for lessons.
… more volleyball
I usually don’t do back, especially with the goggle – it blocks my side view. But I do try from time to time.
I bid a slam and we made it! What a winning night of bridge.
This is the third hand of the night, with 32 hcp: me 21 and partner 11. 4 aces and 3 kings.
I dealt and opened with 1NT, which is incorrect: should be 2N.
My thinking goes: open low, so others have a chance to bid, especially for my P. With 21 points on hand, their hands share 19 points. IF I were to open 2N, I could face 3 passes (?)
Bid 4NT: asking for aces = how many do you have?
Bid 5NT: asking for kings
The hand is played at 6♦️, which my partner played. It’s safer suit to play diamond (I’ve A K 9), instead of spade or NT, which I get to play.
Hooray: bid 12 and made it! [愉快]
问完了A 再问老K [调皮] 最后叫了小满罐 & 赢了 第一次叫的
整晚 好牌
Happy Monday