Archive for February, 2025

#2: No ‘I’ in a team

Our 2nd game of the MLP, defeating DD 2-1 Bracket B scores.

I watched a few pickleball videos on Youtube, and learnt that the serving hand should be lower than the paddle when serving: a new concept. So essentially, I served with my paddle vertical for the first time. Luckily, I’ve no double fault.

Round 1 of the A bracket is 2:1 and R2 4:2.

My B bracket is 2:1. I’ve the same teammate, to play mixed doubles and  doubles:

  1. w/ Carlos v Ronni & Jerry (sub): 25:20
  2. w/ Karlina v Amy & Linie: 14:25

My court’s loss was erased by two other courts’ win.

One of the rules is, at 24, you’ve to serve out to win the 25. We were leading 24 to 15 and lost the last 5 points. Ehrrrr … the player on the right hand side will be serving at 24, which was me – my bad. So think about it before taking sides with your partner.

Two partners have very different outlook for this MLP. The more experienced plays with strategy and shoulder more shots, which I happily to concede.

But the lesser experienced one won’t do. Like the last match, the opponents hit all the ball to my P. I could have returned many of them but the partner won’t let me. Perhaps the player felt slight or what? In a team, there is NO ‘I’. I want to win.

The second game, one of the two girls said to me, “Oh Irene, thank you for applauding my shots.” I was bit startled: gosh, where were they from? This is very common courtesy and I offer it freely to all, especially my opponents. Oh well.

My teammate reminded me that I need to stay out when my partner serves.



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A two slams night

Two slams night: I played five hands winning 4, that includes an unbid grand slam.

The first slam is, a grand slam but we didn’t bid for – a pooper. We both have 17 hcp each:

♠️ A
♥️ K9872
♦️ AK62
♣️ K52
My P
♠️ K8
♥️ AQJ 10 3
♦️ Q10
♣️ A10 86

So, we’ve all four As and Kings. But we didn’t bid for it, for some reason, unfortunately, played at 4♥️.

The second slam, we’ve 32 hcp (me 15 and P 17): 3 As and 4 Kings.

We asked for As and Ks, ended up 6N and my partner made it – it was NOT an easy hand.

Note to myself: make sure to settle on the suit you’re playing before asking for As and Ks.

I initially bid for ♦️… If we stayed with ♦️, we could have another grand slam since we both have a singleton ♥️♠️.




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Pickleball paddle

It’s the first time I heard/learnt that the paddle should be held vertically, instead horizontal when dinking. I’ve taken Byron F’s private lesson but he didn’t correct me – said nothing. Oh well.

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Team practice

At the last match of pickleball, one of the teammates reminded me about my serve: might not be legal. So here are two recordings, in slow mo and regular motion.


After warming up, we played regular games.


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Alafia River

Today’s sail is very pleasant: 8 of us, great company, with great weather. We left from Litter Harbor.

The Beer Can Island was ravaged by the storm, many tress are down and all the structures were wiped out, except the swing.

The three owners paused their plan to make it time share (?), like $1,000 per share.

Today, there are boats and one hot dog boat is around too.

We visit Sunken Island, sailed on Alafia River: a 25 miles (40 km) long river, with a watershed of 335 square miles (870 km2) that flows into Tampa Bay.

People fishing from the bridge 41/45 by The River’s Edge


wiki: … The watershed contains ten named lakes and ponds, and 29 named rivers, streams and canals. During the rainy season, excess water is pumped to the new C.W. Bill Young Regional Reservoir, which opened in 2005. The river is formed by two prongs. The north prong starts south of Mulberry and runs for 23.9 miles until it meets the south prong in Lithia. The south prong begins south of Bradley Junction and continues for 28.7 miles. The combined river then flows 24.7 miles west into Tampa Bay

We see dolphins; a few boats with Trump’s name on it; rainbows; pelicans,…

Lunch at the River’s Edge is fine.

A lonesome pelican at the dock

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Little Harbor Marinas

606 Seagrape Dr,
Ruskin, FL 33570

… more pix & videos on Google Maps & Yelp.

We come here often. They recently renovated their bathroom, with new floor, each of the two toilets, completed with shower. The staff for the boat club is helpful and courteous. Relaxing and hassle free.

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2-1, game play

I played well: with Alan (4-1), Pete (2-5) and Hope (4-1). I could have served up two bagels but I failed: subconscious unwilling, or a simple mistake or unable? I couldn’t say.

My serves look terrible, and my backhand needs to get ready earlier.


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MLP 2025

The five week long Minor League Pickleball starts tonight.

There are five teams.

Our team has 14 players, dividing into two brackets: A and B which is less skilled that includes me. Each team gets a bye week; ours comes next Tuesday, Feb 18.

The rally scoring is used when two teams score on every rally (normal rec play uses sideout scoring system only the server or serving team scores point)

  • First to win 25 points by two points, wins the match, on your own serve
  • Each win, regardless of serving or not, scores a point
  • When serving team loses the point, the OP not only gets a point but the right to serve next
  • Partners don’t switch side
  • At 13 point, two teams switch court
  • In case of a tie, skinny singles with 4 points each time, decides.

For example, if opponent serves and missed, we get a point; and we get to serve next.

During this period, my game has improved – learned a few pointers:

The standings

  Teams  2.11   2.18   2.25  3.04  3.11  3.18   3.25  wins  total
 Rally Cats A  L   –  w  w  2  5
 – Bracket B ♦  w   –  w  w  3
 Dinkers Anon A  w   w  w  L  –  3  5
 – Bracket B    w  L  w  –  2
 Dinkers & Drivers A  L  L  L   –  0  1
 – Bracket B  w  L    –  1
 Gherkins 2.0 A  w  L  –  w  2  2
 – Bracket B  L  L  –  L  0
 Hell’s Kitchen A   –  w  w  L   2  3
 – Bracket B   –  w  L  L   1

I’m in bracket B. Today’s two matches I played, one was mixed doubles and one doubles. Both matches’ opponents were male.

  1. w/ Carlos, def Rich M & Bill B: 28-26
  2. w/ Karlina, def Rich M & Joe B: 26-24

The first match, OP chose to serve, I was receiving. It zoomed by me so fast, I didn’t see it.

Later in the game, Rich was serving even as I held up my paddle as I was rushing to my position. He served without hesitation. After the point was over, his captain said, “When they hold up paddle, you need to wait.”

Hmmmm… even you don’t know this rule, but should know common courtesy, don’t you? Player isn’t in position, you wait.

The second match, down to the wire again.

When I was serving, Rich said he wasn’t looking. Hmmmm … I hope this isn’t a payback. But “I’m not even looking” is NOT a valid excuse. You play at server’s pace.

At 25-24, I said to my partner, “win by two points?”
“No, three points.” She said.
I turned to face the server and thinking better to confirm it, so I help up my hand. Just then Joe served to my partner. I stepped into the kitchen and blocked it casually.
My captain who just got there, said “that’s it.”
“No, I held up my hand.” I said.
“Yes, she did.” Joe said. I won’t know what would be the result if Joe didn’t speak up, back me up.

So two points it is.
And we come from behind to seal the victory.

Joe is less skilled than Rich but he has good control, able to consistently hit to my partner – they both are tier 4 players. Being by the kitchen line, there isn’t a room for me to cut in and hit back at a better angel or faster pace. Nevertheless, we cliched a win, which pleased me very much, given the unsportsmanship conduct.

I checked with coach Bryon Freso, who replied:

The server is always in the driver’s seat. However, if the receiver is not ready, the server has to wait. In pickleball, they both have 10 seconds to serve or receive the ball.

There are three way the receiver can indicate they are not ready – paddle up, the other hand up, or back turned.

Today is the 14th of the lunar new year, the day before the 元宵節 / 元宵节 Lantern Festival when the moon is at fullest/the first full moon of the year, which also considered the Chinese Valentine’s Day.

It’s a busy day for me.

A beautiful full moon night 花好月圆夜
tennis pickleball swimming ♠️❤️
㊗️福亲们 元宵节快乐哈

🕖 getting up
🕢 🏊 warm up
🕗 🎾 tennis
🕛 聚餐 pastrami sandwish
🕐 ♠️ 桥牌
🕒 📖
🕕 第一个星期的皮克球比赛 – 共五周
🕗 🏊 full moon

🎾 二局4-0, 我发球 … 失掉送🥚的机会
(是潜意识不想 还是简单失误? 鬼知道)2:1
还有鸡爪子 🤣

♠️ 几手牌都不太好 小2 老3 的多多 😂 一手拿齐J 啥牌呀 🃏
但机会难得 练技巧 😁

皮克 热闹. 打了两场 都赢了 – 搭档好

三进泳池 抬头看见圆圆的月亮 明天吃汤团 甜的咸的

但我现在想吃烤鸭 小笼包

…Gulf of America
上午看时 谷歌地图6️⃣已经改了. 苹果地图5️⃣还是墨西哥湾
现在已经改了 …

咱们学的那点地理可能不够用了. 看来又要进修了 continue ed [憨笑]



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Backhand w/ a Slinger

It’s been a while that I record myself: not a good hiatus: my double hand backhand looks awful.

Self-humiliate … to get help or self-improve  -:)

🎾 chicken feet

教练说过 脚不动就会是鸡爪子 …真的好难看 [Lol][吃瓜]

自我羞辱 求进步 [吃瓜]

  • 击球点太晚了
  • 不只是脚。是整个身体,即macro-structurre。如何准备:蓄力,发力,击球,放松,还原。

Macro-structure: per AI, … in tennis is a long-term training plan that organizes tennis training into phases or blocks. This plan is made up of microcycles and is designed to help tennis players reach peak performance. 

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A manipulation?

The trolley

So Tampa Bay Lightning defeat Ottawa Senators 5-1.

How to manipulate 操纵

In recent days, American anthem is booed at NHL games, as well as in NBA. So I was wondering if the Canadian anthem would be booed here.

Not a chance

Because the announcer said (roughly) that the singer is singing for his sister who’s battling cancer.

How could anyone to boo, under such circumstances?

My best wishes goes to the sis … but thinking at the same time, is this a manipulation?

So 昨晚去看🏒 🇺🇸vs🇨🇦
近来新闻一直有报道 在🏒🇺🇸国歌的时候 常嘘声四起

昨晚🇨🇦的国歌先唱. 报音员说 “歌手的妹妹正在和癌搏斗 他在为妹妹祈祷…”

我本以为🇨🇦的国歌会有嘘声 但此言在先, 谁还会忍心去嘘一个为患癌的妹妹唱的歌手? 年轻的男娃唱时没有人出声.
So… 大妈在想 要是没有癌症 有没有人会去嘘🇨🇦的国歌? 反正俺是准备去嘘的… 周围的人也都🙄
很多时候 what you see or hear isn’t totally true. Do your due diligence 你所看到或听到的并不完全真实. 做好应尽的调查


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