This is one of my two faves fm China, and a good companion in the pool. Unfortunately, the good recording / live performance is poor – wrong notes are prevalent (which is ok in the water…). The concerto is about 20-24 minutes, so after two, I’m pretty much done my swim: I’ve no problem to listen to it back to back – I’m a bore.
I’m always moved at the end, when East is Red comes on. Looking back at the childhood melody, the feeling is mixed. Out of blue, I googled it today, 黄河钢琴协奏曲 东方红, saw a few posts asking if it ruined the concerto by adding the East is Red.
zhihu 有去掉“东方红”版的钢琴协奏曲《黄河》,至今记得一个可能粗俗但非常精辟的评论,说这个版本的感觉,就好像前面一直弄得很爽,爽到快要出来的时候突然萎了。
某李小龙纪录片中,一个来自白人女演员的著名评价是,李小龙让中国男人有了种(he put balls on Chinese men)。当然,这里指的是在西方的荧幕上。李小龙之前,好莱坞荧幕上的华人男性除了傅满洲那种神秘邪恶的大反派,基本上就是贼眉鼠眼、男人的各种能力都不行的怂蛋。李小龙在他短暂的生命中直接完成大逆转。他让功夫片成为热门,他自己成为荧幕上最能打的人,让白人花钱买票看他揍白人,还为之叫好。这甚至影响出一波黑人崇拜李小龙的风潮,视李小龙为精神导师,拍摄黑人功夫电影(这曾是一个重要的电影类型)。
The few I’ve been listing to: (Can’t find one by Lang Lang – thought he’s the perfect one to play this. Li Yundi won’t, imho)
- Zhang Haiou 张海鸥 2022 w/ Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra
- Lu Jia’s in 2022
- Vladimir Khomyakov 2019 w/ Ningbo Symphony 钢琴协奏曲
- Victor Ong 王俊霖 2017
- Rueibin Chen 陳瑞斌 2017
- Yin Chengzong
I saw Yin Chengzhong twice in New York. Once at an up state church in 1987, and then Tully Hall (the smaller one auditorium at Lincoln Center; he was hired by a travel agency) in 2015.
这二天的长距离都是1,560 纯属巧合. 今天慢了四分钟 因为中间🎵停了 上岸弄 Youtube (只会用油管) 无意中看到 人民音乐家冼星海… “人民”是啥意思呢? 黛安娜也自称是 people’s princess 前者不知所措 后者觉得很陈词滥调.
非常喜欢黄河钢琴协奏曲 是俺泳池里听的最多的 老柴的第二. 原因之一是没有好的录音/现场 错音符多如牛毛 (不知道为什么没有朗郎的)… 每次听到最后的东方红太阳升时 都热泪盈眶
通常早上去游 游完后正好太阳开始升起 – 倒是不觉得是败笔
几年前看到70年代纽约时报报道 称此曲是垃圾