Bounce instead out

Three matches among 4 teams in two hours, first to win 8 games by two, no deuce. We were expected to win but came in second. The second match Kai and I were playing a couple. The wife has heavy spins and the husband was good too. It’s evenly matches. They were leading lightly then we caught up once we or I got use to their spins. I lost my serve at 5-3. The husband held his, 5-4. .. Nearing the end (each match allotted 40 min), we were leading 7-5 when Kai called one of opponent’s lob OUT, which was very long.
“You can’t call my ball out when it’s still in the air.” The husband complaint.
Kai went to the net and began to explain.
I felt it’s unnecessary: I’ve been hitting a lot of out balls due to laziness and or misjudgement. So his out call really meant – pls don’t hit. Maybe bounce would be better here.
It’s a good point to remember: call it bounce instead out.
Then the husband moved on to interference issue. I felt that he’s picking bones among eggs. The ball is on our court .. !
In any case, time’s up.
More pix in the gallery.

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