“Why did you have to come in all the time?” Simon asked. Deflected. Thousand times. “You’ll have more time to return the shot, and in a more relaxed manner.. ..”
Honestly I don’t know. Seriously, I have no idea. Perhaps I thought there is a candy hanging on the net. Seriously I don’t know why can’t I remember the simple rule, not to come in, stand behind the base line!!
“It’s a piece of cake when you play behind the base line ..” Simon would demonstrate. Ever heard 劳碌命? That’s me. I’m so sick of myself too, 🙂 and the grunt is just getting louder – I only have backhand at the moment. Haven’t been serving for a while. Simon’s lips are thinning (or fattening from over use?) from repeating himself so often. “Stay behind the baseline.” Then next game I positioned myself grandly by the net – can’t correct my bad habit. Oh lord, that’s embarrassing!
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