Men and women think differently, or men are from Mars, women are from Venus.
I say on court, often
“I’ll warm you up” when someone comes and needs little hitting before the game.
“We’ll have a foursome” when there are four humans ready to play.
One guy at tennis today thinks those sound very sexual, and went on telling us a story about his incompetency:
When he was in the 8th grade, he mistakenly said orgasm instead of organism in his chemistry or biology class. Everyone laughed and he had no idea why.
Ok, here is my innocent or impotency, I mean incompetency story:
A guy in my class said he would help me when I was pretty desperate to get a paper done.
“Lets me grab something to eat and be right back. ” he said.
“Don’t go, you can eat me.” I said to him and put my arm in front of his face.
The humming class suddenly became creepy quiet.
Oh well ..
.. Chairman Mao said we women carry half the sky .. a couple of more pix in gallery
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