Long Island 2013


The rules

    • Matches are $20.00 per person per match to be collected by each captain and paid to the club in full before the start of the match.
the rule

.. the rules: can it be better formatted?

    • A match consists of three courts of mixed doubles and is booked for 2 hours following the guidelines on your schedule.
    • There is a point system:
      • 4 points for 1st court,
      • 3 points for the 2nd court and
      • 2 points for the 3rd court.
    • Standings will be updated each week on www.litennisscores.com. The USTA site standings should not be considered as they do not account for the point system.
    • All local rules can be found on www.litennisscores.com.  Sectional rules can be found on www.eastern.usta.com and National rules can be found on www.usta.com.
    • Home team must supply three new cans of balls for each match along with water for each court.  A lite snack after the match is appreciated by your opponents.
typo ..

.. one of the typos ..

    • Matches are two sets with regular scoring and a 12 point tie break (first person to 7 by 2) at 6 all.  In the event of split set, a super tie break is played in lieu of a 3rd set.  This is the 1st one to 10 by a margin of 2.
    • In the event of time running out in timed matches, total games will determine the winner.  If you were in the super tie break, the team ahead in the super tie break will add one additional game when figuring total games won.  If total games won is tied, the points for that court will be split.  All ties must be email to Jenn at Jkem2182@aol.com so she is aware of ties when doing the standings updates.
    • A player may play on more than one team at the same level provided the two teams are in different divisions.
    • A player playing on more than one team at the same level must pick which team they are playing playoffs for.  If the team they pick wins, they are now committed to that team and may not play for another team at that level, on Long Island or for any other region.  If the team loses their playoff match, that player can now play for another team that may be advancing.
oh well ..

oh well ..

    • Scores must be entered by the home captain within 24 hours of the match.  The updating of the standings web site is done from the USTA score entry site.
    • If there is a mistake in entering scores, you must email me, along with the opposing captain letting me know of the mistake.
    • Deadline to add players to your team is January 15th and is strictly adhered to.
    • A minimum of two courts must be played to be a valid match.  Forfeiting entire matches can change the outcome of teams advancing to playoffs and is extremely frowned upon.  Teams forfeiting matches without just cause may be banned from play for the following season.
12 point tie break?

12 point tie break?

  • Please, everyone keep in mind that this is supposed to be, while competitive, also social.  Nice goes so much further than not nice.  Please always remember that sportsmanship should always be a priority.
  • B. Scoring will be as follows: first two sets are played with conventional scoring. A 12 point tie break will be played at 6 all. In the event of the two sets being split, you will then play a super tie break….the first one to ten by a margin of two, in place of a third set.
  • O. Injury Time Outs – If an injury occurs during play, the injured player must be ready to resume play in four minutes. If this player can not continue play after the four minute injury time out, the opposing team is entitled to declare the match a retirement

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT – MUST READ This is an “Early Start” league.  People who sign up before the final ratings come out (end of November) go with their early start rating.  If they sign up after the final ratings are published, it is the final rating they go with.  Please carefully read the Eastern rule below.  Should this happen to someone, no one can claim ignorance.  I am giving this to you, it is now your responsibility to read it and make your team aware of it. Early Start Leagues (leagues that begin before 2012 year end ratings are published) will use 2012 Early Start computer ratings (as of September 1, 2012) for players for their mixed local season as well as mixed championships.  The date a player registers for an Early Start League will determine the rating used for early start league play.  If a player registers for an Early Start League before year end ratings have been published, they will be allowed to finish the league season with the early start rating they had at the time they registered unless their 2012 year end rating reaches the “clearly above level mark”.  If the year end rating is higher than the rating used to register for the Early Start League AND the year end rating is “clearly above level” then the player must move up to the higher level immediately.  Matches already played will be valid.  If a player registers for an Early Start League after year end ratings have been published, that player must use their final year end rating for the Early Start League.

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