This, has to stop

While taking shower at Equinox this morning after the 8:30 yoga, a knocked on the shower door and was opened by a white woman (I’ve seen her around in the locker room). She’s looking for her thing. There was a line waiting for shower booth. I was angry and called her an a…. for lack of a better word. When I came out of the shower, two ladies were still waiting to shower (both from my yoga class) and the door-opener was still looking for her thing.

I called down to the front desk and identified myself and asked someone to come up, to remedy the situation, since the door-opener was still looking for her thing – whatever the thing was.

This was the SECOND time that a rude woman opened the door looking for her thing. The first time I was waiting online and saw the episode (I know the woman in the shower; didn’t know how she feel but I felt violated! Feeling unsafe). I didn’t remember the woman other than she spoke Farsi and was looking for her hair pin. A hair pin! (She found it and was gone immediately.)

Didn’t know if anyone has come up and if she did anything.

I hope that the club would response to such incident quickly and decisively. The door opener lingered in the shower area after I was done. A timely response might help her – she need some help?

Maybe a lock is needed for the shower door?

P.S. after a brief emailing with the club, I was told

After speaking to the member she assured me that she didn’t intend to create an unconformable situation for you. It was a lapse in judgment in a panic of looking for her bag. She assured me going forward this will not happen again.
With that the issue is resolved.

With what??? How one sided.

The email writer said the manager was informed. A few months later at the club, I ran into the skipper who had NO idea what had happened. Maybe a different manager, I hope?

file 38278

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