The fairytales

imageGolfer’s sticks …
Fairytale happens all the time.

New York Islanders is a professional ice hockey team based on Long Island that was founded in 1972 and went on to win four consecutive Stanley Cup championships from 1980 to 1983. Clark Gillies and Bobby (Robert Glen) Bourne were teammates and won the four Cup, the holy grail of professional ice hockey together. As if it were not enough, his son Justin Bourne played professional ice hockey and married his daughter Brianna Gillies.

My maternal grandparents met through their fathers too. His father went to Shanghai for business in 1931 and met with her uncle – after publically disowned her father, she was living with her uncle instead. The two men were close business associates in Beijing, then called Peking. When he learnt the son was recently widowed, he sent his private tutor to the hotel to propose the marriage. And insisted to host the grand ceremony the following summer.

My parents met on the basketball court in the military in 1950s and married in 1959 in Beijing.


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