Another trying day at the gym


Nothing but snow. The parking lot was full at 9:53am at the gym and one staff stood by the entrance by the street, Bayview Avenue. Many of us have to park at the adjacent lot, which was also full. On a snowy day walking from that mile away (ok, just kidding) lot is very difficult because there isn’t a pedestrian path.

image image image Have the club ever considered, maybe recruit less members? I got to the 10 o’clock Pilate at 10:09. Four more women came after me, 10 some minutes. Fortunately Bonnie allowed us.  It was around 10:20. 10 more minutes into the class, just I thought we finally settled down and in, mates began to leave. Two left. One left. Three more left. To sign up for the next class. It was very unsettling. I asked a greeter at front desk, is it really necessary? The young woman apparently very uninterested in her job, replied curtly, “Yes.” Babe, if you don’t like what you do, please, move on. “Can you open the sign up early, like 9:55 or on the net?” Having the mates before the class, or using their phone during the class, perhaps is better than them physically leaving? It’s disturbing to the rest of the class.


Ok, I gave up.

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