A true Polar Plunge @ Arctic

Itilleq, Greenland. Population 89.

Initially, our ship Vega planned the polar plunge off the beach at Itilleq. However, the low tide made it impossible – the shells are too cutting. So, after they scouted a few other possible sites (all have the same problem), they called it off.

Irene is NOT giving up.

“Let’s go back to the ship and jump off there.”

Plunge is plunge, not walk into. Beside I don’t think walking into freezing cold water is appetizing, nor feasible.

An hour and an emergency meeting later, they announced that at 5:30, polar plunge will commence, from the ship.

HOOOOOray, we let out a huge cheer at the pool.

THANK you Sarah Scriver, thank you captain, and thank everyone who made this possible.

First thing first. I’ll have to sign away my little life. Dr. David Botero and his bag is on deck, should anyone is have medical emergency. Have a drink. Ok, they said the shots are for after. I’ve none of it: I’ve to have it now, just in case I plugged to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean or the cold water stops my beating heart … at least I’ve my last drink, -:)


… the short walk down and being leashed (in case of a cardiac arrest …), … and I actually made it back -:). I did a short swim but have to turn back, 1) there are more people waiting to do the plunge; 2) it’s bit too cold.


Before and after the polar plunge
Sign your little life away
Have my last drink
Doc is on hand


(有莫有发现老了 连屁股也没有了 [调皮] 跑题了)
花发和俺一起 做了很多不能写的事儿 [闭嘴]

🚢 真心不错 绞尽脑汁搞活动
本来是计划在伊蒂莱克海滩下水 但低潮 割脚…
俺说 回船上 跳吧

所以紧急会议后 … 严阵以待 如临大敌
还是十分感谢船和工作人员 [Salute]大赞 [强]

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