I got Karen to play and we teamed up. She’s a good player but doesn’t offer any opinion unless was asked.
Luckily, my hands have been good, and we made most of our biddings. It was so good, that I misplayed 2nd to the last card and missed a slam. This was 4♥ hand, and after 11 tricks has been played, my partner and I both had a ♥. I should have used her ♥A to trump. But instead I played her last ♠ when ♦ was led. One of the opponent’s ♦ was a little higher. What was I thinking??? Too relaxed and careless.
An interesting hand. The opponent to my right was the dealer and opened the bid with 1♦. I’ve six ♦ AK etc., with 13 points. So, I doubled him. The hand ended up in NT.
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